- common fisheries policy | sustainable fisheries | fisheries policy
- Sunday 31 October 2021, 00:00 - 23:45 (CET)
Practical information
- When
- Sunday 31 October 2021, 00:00 - 23:45 (CET)
- Languages
- English
Supported by the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission, the EU4Ocean Coalition is organizing its Black Sea Ocean Literacy Festival, which will showcase ocean literacy initiatives and activities from all countries of the Black Sea.
This Black Sea Ocean literacy festival will start on Black Sea Action Day (31st of October) and is part of the wider EU4Ocean coalition Black Sea basin event (October 29 – November 5), which aims at bringing ocean literacy to everybody’s mind, soul and actions in the Black Sea.
What to expect?
The overall aim of the Black Sea Ocean Literacy Festival is to connect Black Sea ocean literacy actors and showcase the wide diversity of ocean literacy initiatives already in place. It will combine different events organized in the Black Sea. Its diverse program will ensure that you find something that responds to your interest and curiosity... whether you are a student, young changemaker, parent or grandparent, teacher, marine science educator, researcher, elected representative, policymaker, or marine professional.
Check the festival agenda and join the Black Sea events, or if you plan to organize something please let us know. You can contact Mare Nostrum NGO Team: Anca Gheorghe anca_gheorghemarenostrum [dot] ro (anca_gheorghe[at]marenostrum[dot]ro) and Andreea Ionașcu andreea_ionascu
marenostrum [dot] ro (andreea_ionascu[at]marenostrum[dot]ro)
We will be happy to have you on board!
Let’s make the Black Sea blue!
Black Sea Ocean Literacy Festival Agenda
October 31st – Black Sea Action Day - Plogging in Constanta
The main plogging event (and the start of the plogging week in the Black Sea) will take place on 31st of October (in Constanta).
‘Plogging week and litter art‘ October 31st – November 5th
Schools and citizens from the Black Sea are invited to join the plogging event.
Black Sea ‘TikTok Festival‘ October 31st – November 5th
Show your personal connection with the sea. A tik tok, in which to present the way you take care of the sea, with the #MakeBlackSeaBlue #MakeEUBlue #EU4Ocean #Youth4Ocean #EUBlueSchools
Discover the European Atlas of the Seas by visiting a virtual exhibition!
(Virtual) Exhibition about a marine topic including arts or photos
Plogging Week
31 October 2021 – 7 November 2021
Have you ever heard of such a unique environmental movement that will take place in Yerevan (Armenia), Bratislava (Slovakia), and Constanta (Romania)?
28th of October 2021, at 10:00 am Eastern European Time