This event has ended.
- common fisheries policy | sustainable fisheries | fisheries policy
- Thursday 12 September 2013, 15:00 - 17:00 (CEST)
Practical information
- When
- Thursday 12 September 2013, 15:00 - 17:00 (CEST)
- Languages
- English
following delivery of preliminary country papers the aim of the meeting was to:
- present reactions of country experts on the comments received by DG MARE and stakeholders
- discuss the suggestion on maritime clusters provided by Ecorys and agree on a selection
- present first findings on the innovation indicators (compiled by the central data team)
- exchange on the selection of the 6 most relevant and promising maritime economic analysis (to be analysed by the sector experts after that)
- further planning with regards to the presentation of preliminary result
Iain Shepherd, DG MARE
Juan Ronco, DG MARE
Teresa Molina Schmid, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Spain
Claude Wohrer, Secretariat General de la Mer, France
Conceilao Santos, Portugal
James How, UK Permanent Representation to Brussels
Jenny O’Leary, Irish Marine Institute
Roelof Jan Molemaker, Ecorys
Johan Gille, Ecorys
Martin Wegele, Ecorys
General comments from Member States representatives, DG MARE, Ecorys:
- Acknowledgement of the data method harmonized across countries (also of other sea basins) and replicability of the country paper exercise (in order to allow for updating once additional figures and data are available)
- Short time frame of the study, limiting the level of analysis and data assessment.
- Concerns of all country representatives that available data are limited and in many cases incomplete. Understanding that Ecorys has to gather what is there, but request to address concerns and include own assessment to figures used.
- Ecorys welcomes any additional sources on innovation indicators (at national level), official national statistical sources on maritime economic activities, as well as cluster information
- Until 20th Sept. Ecorys to
- set up longlist of regions with maritime clusters (based on EU cluster observatory),
- longlist based on maritime employment in the regions of the 5 Member States adjacent to the Atlantic
- Select 10 different clusters, according to various different types of clusters (types still to be selected)
- Analyse 10 clusters more in depth – only those located alongside the Atlantic Arc regions
Proposed list of 6 most relevant maritime economic activities:
- Shipbuilding
- Ocean energy
- Fisheries
- Aquaculture (advocated by IE and PT) (to replace Blue Biotechnology)
- Shortsea shipping
- Yachting and marinas (to replace coastal tourism, as perceived too broad and elusive)
Timing of the country papers & comments:
- Mid Oct. (18th Oct) – draft final country fiches submitted to DG MARE (incl. clusters, maritime strategies and good practices sections)
- Mid Nov. (15th Nov.) – deadline for comments from EU Member States on draft final country fiches (all-in-one comments)
- End Nov. (29th Nov.) – deadline for final country fiches submitted to DG MARE
Further actions:
- DG MARE would enquire in how far the study duration can be extended
- Further delving into indicator work, depending on data availability and access (tbc) to Eurostat micro-data and alternative sources (national innovation indicators and reports).