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Maritime Forum

European Commission SET plan Action 1 - ocean energy- Issues Paper for your comments/inputs by 17/06/2016 – published on behalf of the SET Plan Secretariat

Last September the European Commission adopted a Communication entitled 'Towards an Integrated Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan: accelerating the European Energy System Transformation' ( ).

The new SET Plan proposes 10 actions which will contribute to achieve the R&I objectives of the Energy Union. In order to translate these actions into concrete work between all relevant public and private sector stakeholders and in cooperation with EU Member States and countries part of the SET Plan, represented in the SET Plan Steering Group, the European Commission is organizing a consultative process with stakeholders. The result of this consultation process is foreseen to be in the form of agreements with stakeholders on strategic targets/priorities in each of the action areas, as well as on implementation plans that will aim to deliver the agreed targets/priorities. These implementation plans are expected to contain recommendations for R&I activities and policy measures at European, national and regional levels; concrete and refocused commitments of private sector stakeholders and research organizations, as well as joint work between all stakeholders.

In order to initiate this consultation, and on the basis of the SET Plan Integrated Roadmap, the services of the European Commission have developed Issues Papers, including a paper for Ocean Energy which will soon be made available on the SETIS website

The EC invites you to take position on the proposed targets/priorities in accordance with the guidelines set out in document entitled "The SET Plan actions – Implementation process and expected outcomes" (also available on the SETIS website), and in particular its Stage 1 (Agreement on targets/ priorities). The EC invites you to submit your positions in the form of an "Input paper" to the SET Plan Secretariat (SET-PLAN-SECRETARIATatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (SET-PLAN-SECRETARIAT[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)) by Friday 17 June 2016.

Based on this Issues Paper and inputs from the stakeholders, it is planned to present a Declaration of Intent to the SET Plan Steering Group on the 12/07/2016, with the intention to come at that meeting to a common agreement between stakeholders (research organisations, universities, industry), Member States and the EC on the targets/priorities.

NB - The Forum has been asked to advise that Jacopo Moccia of Ocean Energy Europe will be gathering contributions of the industry/sector in a response paper to be sent to the Commission, with an OEE deadline for responses being 10 July 2016.