Date: 20 October 2023, 13:30 – 16:00 CEST
Location: Online meeting
Co-chairs: Kate Larkin (EMODnet Secretariat) and Pierre-Yves Le Traon (Copernicus Marine Service)
- Welcome and overview of agenda, key aims of the meeting (meeting Co-Chairs) 5’
- Introduction from EC (DG DEFIS and DG MARE) 5’
- Marine data service updates: CMEMS and EMODnet 10’ (5’ per service)
- Copernicus Marine Service Phase #2 (Pierre-Yves Le Traon, MOi)
- EMODnet 2023-2025 (Kate Larkin, EMODnet Secretariat)
- Common communication: EMODnet and Copernicus Marine Service (EC DG MARE, DEFIS, meeting co-Chairs and all) 25’
- Presentations from EMODnet and CMEMS INSTAC 90’ - including short discussion after each talk as follow up on specific areas of collaboration
- Copernicus Marine Service INSTAC (25’, timing tbc) (overview of CMEMS INSTAC: current phase, key areas of service development, areas for ongoing and emerging collaboration with EMODnet)
- Joint Marine In Situ Coordination Group (MIC): latest activities, emerging areas 20’ Suggested speakers MIC co-Chairs Dominique Obaton (Ifremer) and Antonio Novellino (ETT, EMODnet Physics), scope (i.e. thematic), latest activities and see areas for further collaboration
- EMODnet 60’ (overview of each thematic by Coordinators: current phase, key areas of service development, areas for ongoing and emerging collaboration with CMEMS e.g., parameter data flow, data use, joint use case, other). 5’ per EMODnet thematic with short Q&A after each
- Further discussion on EMODnet and Copernicus Marine Service: Areas of common interest e.g., coastal, In Situ data provision, other 10’ (if needed)
- Data Ingestion service 15’
- EMODnet Data Ingestion (Dick Schaap and Sissy Iona)
- Short discussion
- European Atlas of the Seas 10’
- EMODnet contributions 5’
- Copernicus Marine Service contributions 5’
- Short discussion 5’
- Events 20’
- Copernicus Marine Service
- EMODnet
- External events (including UN Ocean Decade Conference 2024)
- Set date for next Coordination meeting 3’
- Final reflections from EC (DG DEFIS and DG MARE) 5’
- Any Other Business 5’
The meeting minutes are available for download in PDF format:

Minutes of the 8th EMODnet-Copernicus Marine Service Coordination meeting
The presentations are also available for download:

Introduction by EMODnet Secretariat

Introduction by Copernicus Marine Service

Overview of Copernicus Marine In Situ TAC

Status overview by EMODnet Biology

Status overview by EMODnet Chemistry

Status update by EMODnet Geology

Status update by EMODnet Human Activities

Status update by EMODnet Ingestion

Status update by Joint Marine In Situ Collaboration (MIC) Group

Status update by EMODnet Physics
List of participants
EU marine data service representation/role |
Participant |
Affiliation |
Copernicus Marine Service |
Pierre-Yves Le Traon |
MOi |
Laurence Crosnier |
MOi |
Stephanie Guinehut |
MOi |
Alain Arnaud |
MOi |
Copernicus Marine Service INSTAC |
Dominique Obaton |
Ifremer, France |
EMODnet Bathymetry & EMODnet Data Ingestion |
Dick Schaap |
MARIS, The Netherlands |
EMODnet Geology |
Anu Kaskela |
GTK, Finland |
EMODnet Seabed Habitats |
Ville Karvinen |
Syke |
EMODnet Chemistry |
Alessandra Giorgetti |
OGS, Italy |
EMODnet Biology |
Joana Beja* |
VLIZ, Belgium |
EMODnet Physics |
Antonio Novellino |
ETT, Italy |
Patrick Gorringe |
SMHI, Sweden |
EMODnet Human Activities |
Alessandro Pititto |
COGEA/ BIP Group, Italy |
EMODnet Central Portal |
Frederic Leclercq |
VLIZ, Belgium |
EMODnet Secretariat |
Kate Larkin |
EMODnet Secretariat |
Conor Delaney |
EMODnet Secretariat |
Nathalie Tonné |
EMODnet Secretariat |
Vicente Fernandez |
EMODnet Secretariat |
Rémy Denos |
Zoi Konstantinou |
Tim Lemmens |
Carlos Fernandez |
Fabrice Pourceau* |
*Also EMODnet Central Portal