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Maritime Forum

Ur-EMODNET portals

These portals will progressively allow free access to marine data.

[img_assist|nid=1063|title=biology|desc=|link=none|align=center|width=100|height=63] EMODnet biology portal offers access to data on distribution of biological species
[img_assist|nid=1064|title=chemistry|desc=|link=none|align=center|width=100|height=61] EMODNET Chemical pilot is focused on the marine data groups of chemicals required for monitoring the Marine Strategy Directive:
  1. synthetic compounds (i.e. pesticides, antifoulants, pharmaceuticals),
  2. heavy metals,
  3. radionuclides;
  4. fertilisers and other nitrogen- and phosphorus-rich substances;
  5. organic matter (e.g. from sewers or mariculture);
  6. hydrocarbons including oil pollution.

The geology data available includes:

  1. sea-bed sediments
  2. sea-floor geology
  3. boundaries and faults
  4. rates of coastal erosion or accumulation
  5. geological events (submarine slides, earthquakes etc.)
  6. minerals
[img_assist|nid=1065|title=hydrography/bathymetry|desc=|link=none|align=center|width=100|height=62] The hydrography portal offers access to the following layers:
  1. water depth in gridded form over whole of maritime basin on a grid of at least quarter a minute of longitude and latitude
  2. water depth in vector form with isobaths at a scale of at least one to one million
  3. depth profiles along tracklines
  4. coastlines
  5. underwater features - wrecks, seabed obstructions etc
[img_assist|nid=2040|title=physical habitats|desc=|link=none|align=center|width=100|height=56] This interactive mapping portal contains predicted broadscale seabed habitat maps for over 2 million square kilometres in the Celtic, North, Baltic and western Mediterranean Seas. A consortium of 7 international partners developed data layers and thresholds to allow the modelling of habitats according the EUNIS classification.

Data layers needed for the model include seadbed substrate, energy at the seabed, biological zone and salinity at the seabed. These are combined to produce EUNIS habitat maps for the entire region. Confidence layers are also produced to demonstrate the level of certainty across the study area.