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Maritime Forum

Statements on the Arctic by EU Institutions

8 December 2009

General Affairs and External Relations Council

The Council welcomes the gradual formulation of a policy on Arctic issues to address EU interests and responsibilities, while recognising Member States’ legitimate interests and rights in the Arctic.

8 December 2008

Annex to Council conclusions on Arctic issues 2985th FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting Press Release

The Council welcomed the Commission's Communication on the European Union and the Arctic region, considering that it is a first layer of an EU Arctic policy. The Communication is also an important contribution to implementing the Integrated Maritime Policy of the EU.

20 November 2008

Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council - The European Union and the arctic region COM/2008/0763 final

This Communication sets out EU interests and proposes action for EU Member States and institutions around three main policy objectives:

  • Protecting and preserving the Arctic in unison with its population
  • Promoting sustainable use of resources
  • Contributing to enhanced Arctic multilateral governance
9 October 2008 European Parliament resolution on Arctic governance

Awaits with great interest the forthcoming Commission communication on Arctic policy, and hopes that it will lay the foundations for a meaningful EU Arctic policy; calls on the Commission to address, at least, the following issues in its communication:

  1. the state of play in relation to climate change, and adaptation to it, in the region;
  2. policy options that respect the indigenous populations and their livelihoods;
  3. the need to cooperate with our Arctic neighbours on cross-border issues, in particular maritime safety; and
  4. options for a future cross-border political or legal structure that could provide for the environmental protection and sustainable orderly development of the region or mediate political disagreement over resources and navigable waterways in the High North;