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Maritime Forum

Materials, Chemicals, Bioactives & Algae Biorefining

Materials, Chemicals, Bioactives & Algae Biorefining

Materials, Chemicals, Bioactives & Algae Biorefining

Working Group 6 Materials, Chemicals, Bioactives & Algae Biorefining will promote emerging applications of algae to Materials/Chemicals/Bioactives further than conventional uses, collaborate in market/product development, promote ongoing activities/projects, identify the most important research, development and innovation needs; and define expert and training courses.

The following activities and outcomes are foreseen:

  • A database of algae-related companies/technologies;
  • A network of open pilot/demo facilities;
  • A position paper about materials/chemicals/bioactive;
  • Collaboration in education/training course;
  • Campaigns for social acceptance of algae products.


Join this working group here.



General documents

General publications13 May 2024
Dossier Cyanobacteria for biostimulants
General publications13 May 2024
20230317 EU4Algae_WG6
General publications13 May 2024
20230613 EU4Algae_WG6
General publications13 May 2024
20230927 EU4Algae_WG6
General publications13 May 2024
202230126 EU4Algae_WG6
General publications13 May 2024
Flyer training course microalgae almeria
General publications13 May 2024
General publications13 May 2024
Training course microalgae Almeria summer 2023
General publications13 May 2024
O1.7 - 1st version of WGs action plans


WG5 & WG6 joint meeting - June 2024

General publications27 June 2024
20240624_EU4Algae WG5 WG6 joint meeting
General publications27 June 2024
Algae Workshop Aqualia fertilizer 2024
General publications27 June 2024
Study to Support a Sustainable Algae Industry