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Welcome to EU4Algae's Knowledge Library!

Dedicated to providing valuable information on algae-related resources, our library is a one-stop shop for all your algae-related research needs. It covers a wide range of topics from the biology and ecology of algae to their practical applications in various industries. Whether you're a student, researcher, or industry professional, our library provides access to valuable academic research, case studies, reports, and industry publications to help you keep informed and updated on the latest algae developments.


Our Resources Include:

  • Academic research papers
  • Reports and Whitepapers
  • Case studies
  • Industry-specific publications


At our online knowledge library, we are committed to providing high-quality, relevant, and up-to-date information on algae-related resources. We strive to be a reliable and comprehensive source of knowledge for anyone interested in the fascinating world of algae.


Featured Presentations from EU4Algae Events:

EU4Algae Annual Meeting  - December 2022

European Maritime Day 2023

EU4Algae Info Session - June 2023

EU4Algae Annual Meeting - December 2023



Highlighted Reports and Studies:

  • The Interactive Visual Value Chain Facilitation Tool (VC Facilitation Tool) provides a dynamic, stakeholder-focused approach to exploring value chains associated with algae (micro and macro) biomass. Developed within the framework of the BlueBioClusters (BBC) project, the tool focuses on six specific biomass types across nine regional clusters, offering tailored boards for effective workshop facilitation. You can find more information here: BlueBioClusters Project
General publications5 December 2024
Biomass Boards


  • Current Algae Industry in Europe Report, 2024

    The CIRCALGAE project created a report gathering information as to algae production and uses in Europe, pointing out volumes, species, regions, uses and biomass streams generated. It includes a comprehensive overview of the production of microalgae, cyanobacteria and seaweed, as well as their processing and use in Europe. Volumes, species, producing countries, current and new uses, as well as produced biomass (side)streams are specified. Furthermore, gaps and opportunities for new biorefineries in Europe are highlighted. Read more here.


  • Ecosystem Services Provided by Seaweed Cultivation: State of the Art, Knowledge Gaps, Constraints and Future Needs for Achieving Maximum Potential in Europe, 2024

    A new report from EKLIPSE (European knowledge brokering and policy support mechanism focused on biodiversity and ecosystem services) breaks down the main ecosystem services provided by seaweed cultivation, such as 1) Water quality regulation, 2) Climate regulation, 3) Provisioning of habitats, 4) Coastal protection, 5) Provisioning Services (human food and non-food products, hydrocolloids etc), 6) Nursery grounds for marine species, 7) Cultural services (educational opportunities, scientific research, and promotes cultural and recreational activities like eco-tourism). See the full report here.


  • Assessing the potential for seaweed cultivation in EU seas through an integrated modelling approach, 2024

    European Commission's Joint Research Centre recently published a study regarding the assessment of the potential for seaweed cultivation in EU seas through an integrated modelling approach. In this study, they utilise the World Offshore Macro Algae Production Potential (WOMAPP) model in conjunction with state-of-the-art coupled hydrodynamic-biogeochemical models, to assess the environmental suitability of EU marine regions for seaweed cultivation. Analysis reveals that the EU Atlantic regions are the most suitable areas for seaweed cultivation, particularly for cold-water and intermediate-water species. The potential cultivation area is extensive, spanning over 1 million km2, and even taking a precautionary approach by occupying only 1% of that area could yield a yearly production of over 30 million tonnes of dry weight. Adding logistical constraints (water depth and distance to coast) further limit the potential production to 5 million tonnes per year, only considering EU member states' waters. Furthermore, it is discussed the opportunity to use integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA), to increase the potential for seaweed cultivation. Read the full study here.


  • What does the EU do to support the Algae Sector? (2024)

    The EU Aquaculture Assistance Mechanism (AAM) has published a new infographic on the EU algae sector. The infographic summarises the 23 policy actions implemented by the Commission in collaboration with relevant stakeholders to unlock the EU’s algae potential. The focus areas are 1) Improving governance and legislation, 2) Creating business support mechanisms, 3) Raising awareness, and 4) Driving research, knowledge and innovation. Learn more by downloading it here


  • EU Blue Economy Report, 2024

    The new edition of this report offers an in-depth analysis of European blue economy sectors while encompassing all economic activities based on or related to the ocean, seas and coasts (such as a large variety of economic sectors such as fisheries and aquaculture, coastal tourism, shipping, ports, and marine renewable energy). This time around, the report highlights the evolution of the blue economy sectors since 2009, with a special focus on key socio-economic trends between 2020 and 2021. Learn more here.


  • Regenerative Aquaculture for Nature and Communities, 2023

    Research conducted by scientists from The Nature Conservancy showcases how regenerative aquaculture is emerging as a sustainable solution to address both environmental and food security challenges. By farming species like bivalves and seaweed, which require minimal inputs and provide significant ecological benefits, this approach can restore ocean health while supporting coastal economies. Read more here.


  • An ocean of opportunities: The potential of seaweed to advance food, environmental and gender dimensions of the SDGs, 2024

    Developed by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), this study aims to contribute to a greater understanding of the seaweed sector as a driver of food security and women’s empowerment while addressing the connections between food security, environmental sustainability, and trade. Download it here.


  • More than 20 algae species can now be sold as food or food supplements in the EU

    More than 20 algae species have been added to the EU Novel Food Status Catalogue. Thanks to collaborative efforts of the European Commission and EU Member States’ competent authorities, they can now be sold on the market as food or food supplements. Read more here.   


  • Blue Bioeconomy Report, 2023

    In a new format, the sixth edition of the EU Blue Economy Report continues to analyse the scope and size of the Blue Economy in the European Union. Through its economic evidence, the Report also seeks to serve as a source of inspiration to investors. The sixth edition of the Report focuses on a summarised data analysis, trends and drivers of the Blue Economy established sectors (i.e., those that traditionally contribute to the Blue Economy), as well as of Blue Biotechnology and Ocean Energy. Available here. 


  • The Seaweed Revolution, 2023

    This book (available in English as of April 2023) explores how seaweed has shaped our past and can save our future. Today a fast-growing global population, combined with climate, social and environmental crises, gives us compelling reasons to reconsider this forgotten treasure. More information is available here


  • An Overview of the Algae Industry in Europe, 2022

    Since 2017, the JRC has been collecting and analyzing data on algae production and industry in Europe, as part of its work for the Commission’s Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy. More information is available here


  • New and Emerging Markets Report, 2023

    In this edition, the World Bank examines ten emerging seaweed markets and estimates that their growth potential could be up to US$11.8 billion by 2030. Despite this projection, much of the seaweed sector’s additional value remains untapped - it has clear growth potential beyond its current markets. See the full report here


  • Analysis of Farmed Seaweed Carbon Crediting and Novel Markets to Help Decarbonise Supply Chains, 2023

    In this edition, Bain &Company, in partnership with The Nature Conservancy (TNC), examines the potential to support significant near-term growth over the next five to ten years in seaweed farming. Read it here


  • Algae and Climate Study, 2023

    This study builds on an extensive literature review, a survey, and in-depth interviews to investigate the potential of 10 microalgae and macroalgae production systems in contributing to animal feed requirements in the EU. It assesses the EU potential for algae production that could be supported by current CO2 point-source emissions and could contribute to animal feed requirements. Download it here.


  • Unlocking Blue Carbon Development: Investment ReadinessFramework for Governments, 2023

    The purpose of this paper is to provide a practical framework to guide governments in catalyzing and scaling up public and private investment in Blue Carbon as part of their blue economy development. It does this by describing in detail a BlueCarbon Readiness Framework, a step-by-step, well-illustrated guide with simple checklists. The annual CO2 mitigation potential by seaweed is recognised, and there are further interesting acknowledgements related to seaweed. Download it here


  • What are Algae, 2021

    This position paper from the European Algae Biomass Association (EABA) hopes to contribute to the question 'What are algae' with answers to relevant points from different players interested in the field, including: academia, industry, trade organisations, consumers, business investors, local and national authorities, international organisations and any other interested party or stakeholder. Download it here


  • Investor Memo: The Case for Seaweed Investment in Europe

    Download it here


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