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Maritime Forum

EMODnet human activities - first interim report

Unlike the other thematic groups, the "human activities" group has only been in existence for one year. They are starting to provide information on the location and intensity of human activities in European seas.

  • The Human Activities thematic portal went live on 4 April 2014:
  • 10 data themes are available for download. Two more (“ocean energy facilities” and “cultural heritage”) will be added by the end of the first year. With the implementation of the interactive map and of the data catalogue (“Search data” page), Human Activities has become a fully-fledged geoportal.
  • Data collection is at an advanced state, and for some datasets is already complete.
  • Even though the project is still at an early development stage, some organisations and professionals are already using Human Activities data.
  • EMODnet Human Activities has been presented to a series of international events, and a few more are in the pipeline
  • The consortium is evaluating the possibility to integrate new datasets such as fisheries data and hydrocarbon licence blocks.

first interim report
