A cycle of four meetings aimed at exploring the rivulets of the Blue Economy, to show the potential of a sustainable development model, oriented towards a paradigm shift in the current production system.
This is the core of the initiative promoted by the Fispmed network as part of the Euro-Mediterranean Black Sea Observatory, the revolutionary working tool coordinated by Roberto Russo and aimed at developing strategies for a partnership between the North and South of the world.
The cycle of webinar started on 8th June on the Zoom platform and live on Facebook on the Eumed Observatory page. It aims to make the complexity of the topic tangible in a multidisciplinary analytical root, capable of taking into account the intrinsic characteristics of the areas involved. From this perspective, the webinar cycle was designed on two interconnected levels: one more sectoral focused on the characteristics of the areas investigated, and the other aimed at defining possible functional involvements towards achieving a common objective.
This is what already emerged from the first appointment, which saw the participation of the President of the III Commission of the Veneto Regional Council, Marco Andreoli, of the President of the IV Permanent Commission of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Council, Alberto Budai, of Cristian Casili, Vice President of the Regional Council of Puglia and the Assistant to the Ligurian Councilor Stefano Mai, Davide Rossi. An all-round focus on the "Italian system" and on the contributions offered by the Regional Councils on the blue economy, starting from the Venetian initiative for the approval of legislative proposal no. 169 Blue Economy, rational use of resources connected to the regional water system, training and work for sustainable development and the circular economy.
Space for the press and the responsibility for correct information in the meeting on 14th July dedicated to the role of the media (newspapers, radio, web, television, social media). Guests include some experts on the subject - Domenico Letizia, journalist and geopolitical analyst; Umberto Mazzantini, Greenreport journalist; Alberto Zorzi of the Corriere del Veneto; Antonio Vettese journalist specializing in boating - who reasoned around the ability of the press to become the creator and promoter of a path of re-structuring of horizons.
The third appointment, set for 21st July, gave voice to businesses, public bodies and entities dealing with the Blue Economy from an 'operational' point of view. The sector, which has become increasingly strategic to support the transition towards a resilient, regenerative and sustainable economy, has oriented the action of companies and start-ups that have decided to adhere to such a paradigm, offering solutions of absolute interest. The protagonist of the discussion, that made their own experience the core of the argument, are Francesca Biondo, Director of Federpesca; Andrea Cogliati, Director of Sales and Industry Division of Getec; Pasquale Lorusso, Vice President with responsibility for the Maritime Economy - Confindustria; Paolo Menegazzo, Head of Strategic Transport Planning Area - Port System Authority of the Northern Adriatic Sea; Bruno Santori, Vice President of Assonat.
The cycle of in-depth studies, entirely conducted by the journalist and communications manager of Fispmed Ginevra Amadio, closed on 11th October with a special appointment, dedicated to the discussion with the Representatives of the Parliamentary Assemblies of the Mediterranean and Black Sea: the interview with the MEP Marco Campomenosi, member of the Commission for Transport and Tourism.