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Maritime Forum

18th EMODnet (Spring 2023) Steering Committee Meeting - Meeting Minutes & Presentations

This article summarises the main discussions of the 18th EMODnet Steering Committee Meeting which took place as an in-person meeting (Brest, France) in May 2023.

18th EMODnet Steering Committee
23 May 2023
Meeting minutes

Date and time: 23 May 2023 (09:30-18:00) (all times in Central European Summer Time, CEST)

Location: IFREMER, 1625 route de Sainte-Anne, 29280 Plouzané, Brest, France. Meeting room at Polar Institute building, Salle de reunion IPEV – Pascal Le Mauguen – 1st floor

Meeting Chair: Jan-Bart Calewaert (EMODnet Secretariat)

Type of meeting: In-person

Go to the meeting agenda.

Table 1. List of 18th EMODnet Steering Committee meeting actions


By whom?




Share with the SC the mapping of European projects from the Horizon programme and Mission Ocean

EMODnet Secretariat

7 July 2023


Share with the SC the updated version of recommendations from EMODnet to IODE on how international oceanographic data exchange should be improved or evolve

EMODnet Secretariat

30 September 2023


Organise dialogue with Regional Sea Conventions

EMODnet Secretariat

30 September 2023


Set up a document-sharing platform for sharing documents with the SC, in advance of the EMODnet Open Conference 2023

EMODnet Secretariat

31 August 2023


Update the draft programme for the Jamboree session of the third EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree event following the discussions during the 18th SC

EMODnet Secretariat

19 June 2023


Discuss with DG MARE on EMODnet’s role in MSFD data flow, after internal EC discussion between MARE, ENV and EEA

EMODnet Secretariat

31 October 2023


Arrange a meeting between EMODnet Human Activities, SHOM, Secretariat and EC DG MARE to discuss EMODnet’s evolving role in MSP data

EMODnet Secretariat, Human Activities, SHOM

7 July 2023


Update and share the updated EMODnet Use Case template with Coordinators

EMODnet Secretariat

30 June 2023

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday 23 May, 09:30-18:00 CEST

09:30 EMODnet Closed Session*

*This session was for EMODnet SC only

  1. Welcome and Updates (EMODnet Secretariat and DG MARE)


Jan-Bart Calewaert (JBC, outgoing Head of the EMODnet Secretariat) opened the 18th EMODnet SC meeting, welcoming all participants and presenting the overall agenda of the meeting. He highlighted that this is the first Steering Committee (SC) since the centralisation of the EMODnet thematic portals (January 2023). He further explained that the EMODnet Secretariat is undergoing some changes. Kate Larkin (KL) took on the role of Head of EMODnet Secretariat in April 2023. JBC’s role has changed to senior advisor to EMODnet. JBC concluded his welcoming speech by noting that the goals of the meeting included thematic and data ingestion updates together with discussing and advancing the programme of the EMODnet Open conference and Jamboree, amongst other updates.

Zoi Konstantinou (ZK, European Commission Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, EC DG MARE) also welcomed all participants. She indicated that since the unification of services, EMODnet is gaining more attention and stabilising its position as an operational European service providing European marine in situ data and data products. She noted that during the next two years there will be further evolution of EMODnet’s work.


Gilbert Maudire (GM, Ifremer) welcomed everyone to the Ifremer Campus, giving practical information about the Campus and the city of Brest. He explained Ifremer is involved in EMODnet in various ways, such as data provision, as an official partner of some EMODnet thematic lots and provision of technical support and data management via SeaDataNet. He provided some examples of how EMODnet could support the ingestion and provision of emerging areas of marine data including optical and acoustic underwater imagery (AI) and genomics. JBC added that Ifremer is an important support in data management for EMODnet and that EMODnet looks forward to further collaboration with Ifremer.

  1. Operational updates from the Secretariat: List and status of actions from previous meeting (Autumn 2022, 17th SC)

Kate Larkin (KL, incoming Head of EMODnet Secretariat) presented the status of actions from the previous (17th) Steering Committee meeting in Autumn 2022.

Regarding 17th SC Action 3 (Map European projects from the Horizon Programme and Mission Ocean with which connections should be made for EMODnet data ingestion), she indicated that the Secretariat had conducted a mapping exercise, focusing on projects funded by/related to Mission Ocean. This was seen as a useful inventory that could be a living document, made available to all EMODnet Coordinators (e.g., as a shared googlesheet) so that further mapping could be conducted, interactions and dialogue with projects could be recorded and new projects added, as relevant. She noted that Horizon Europe and Mission Ocean funding calls clearly indicate the EU Open Data policy and the need to submit data to EU public marine data services, including EMODnet. However, this was not systematically happening and there was a need to discuss how EMODnet could give guidance to such projects in an efficient way rather than individual dialogues.

ZK noted that projects focusing on in situ marine data collection should come in contact with EMODnet Data Ingestion from the beginning of the project. She added that EMODnet Data Ingestion Coordinators and representatives should contact selectively those projects that have as main focus of their projects to collect in-situ data, to assure the flow of this data in EMODnet from the very beginning. She also recommended that EMODnet Data Ingestion should prepare a generic “how to” guide, to be provided now and in the future to EU projects that will have the obligation to submit data. In addition, AK suggested that the European Commission (EC) could send a message, reminding projects that sharing their data is an obligation. She suggested to organise a webinar for EU projects (e.g., project managers, partners) providing a general idea of how they should proceed in using existing marine data services/infrastructures in place for the ingestion and management of their data.

Action 1: Share with the SC the mapping of European projects from the Horizon programme and Mission Ocean (EMODnet Secretariat, 7 July 2023)

With regard to 17th SC Action 4 (Submit multiple EMODnet inputs including a joint abstract for the International Ocean Data Conference (IODC-II)), KL noted that there had been a large turn-out for the second IODC Conference in Paris in March 2023, with the Secretariat, a number of thematic and data Ingestion representatives present. JBC indicated that discussions on the timing of the next IODC data Conference are ongoing, to decide whether it will take place next year just before the Ocean Conference in April 2024, or in 2025. He further explained that during the first IODC data conference in Poland (February 2022), it was asked how international oceanographic data exchange should improve or evolve. At that time EMODnet had made recommendations for the future in 2022, which, JBC explained, would now be revisited, updated and shared with the SC. He noted that any further feedback was welcome during summer 2023 so that final EMODnet recommendations could be submitted to IODE by the end of September 2023.

Action 2: Share with the SC the updated version of recommendations from EMODnet to IODE on how international oceanographic data exchange should be improved or evolve (EMODnet Secretariat, 30 September 2023)

Regarding 17th SC Action Point 6 (Send the collated table on EMODnet – Regional Sea Convention (RSC) interactions to the Steering Committee), KL noted that the table had been shared shortly after the 17th SC and that there was a lot of dialogue ongoing across the thematic lots with RSCs. She referred to 17th SC discussions where it was considered to set up a coordinated dialogue between the Secretariat and RSCs, with the aim to add value to existing interactions, increase awareness about the latest EMODnet services, strengthen the data flow from RSCs to EMODnet and increase the uptake and use of EMODnet data and data products across all thematics.

Action 3: Organise dialogue with Regional Sea Conventions (EMODnet Secretariat, 30 September 2023)

Regarding 17th SC Action 11 (Select and provide guidance on the tools and platform(s) for online working and sharing of documents between the EMODnet Secretariat and EMODnet Coordinators), it was highlighted by the Coordinators that it would be useful to have a space where documents and information relevant to all thematics, data ingestion and Secretariat could be shared, particularly in advance of the EMODnet Open Conference 2023. Possible options mentioned where Google Drive, Dropbox, B2Drop.

Action 4: Set up a document sharing platform for sharing documents with the SC, in advance of the EMODnet Open Conference 2023 (EMODnet Secretariat, 31 August 2023)

  1. Centralisation: informing SC on specific updates from 13th TWG


Conor Delaney (CD, Technical Coordinator, EMODnet Secretariat) presented high-level updates from the 13th Technical Working Group (TWG) meeting that took place as a hybrid meeting on 4-5 April 2023, noting that wider updates would be presented in the Open Session in the afternoon. CD showed the peak in website visitors since the official launch of the new unified website. He explained that work is now moving towards the centralisation of the EMODnet Data Ingestion portal. He reiterated that Confluence and JIRA are working well and allow agile sharing and updating of technical tasks of EMODnet. He presented a summary of the workflow for the EMODnet Helpdesk.

ZK noted that the unified EMODnet Central Portal (CP) is a big achievement that can be further promoted. KL added that in the first 5 months since its launch, the unified services have been promoted via a number of channels online (e.g., website, CP articles and Newsletter, social media), at a public webinar that EMODnet hosted in February 2023, at the Open Sea Lab Hackathon and at external events including the upcoming European Maritime Day. She noted that the external communication plan for the unified services would include further communications in the build up to the EMODnet Open Conference 2023, together with featuring the new services in the Open Conference Virtual Exhibition and plenary programme.

  1. EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree, November 2023


Angelika Karampourouni (AK, Communication & Partnership Relations Officer, EMODnet Secretariat) presented the key facts about the third EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree. The event will take place 27 November-1 December 2023 (Jamboree 27-28 November, Open Conference 29-30 November), with a half day 19th EMODnet SC on 1 December morning. All meetings and events would take place in the NHow Brussels Bloom, Brussels, Belgium. It is expected that 250 people will register for the Conference, with at least 150 for the Jamboree. KL briefly presented the draft high-level programme, which was circulated to the SC before the 18th SC. In the closed session, SC feedback was focused on the Jamboree. KL noted that based upon a survey of Coordinators’ requirements for the Jamboree for partner meetings and topics for cross-sector dialogues, a draft programme for the Jamboree had been developed. She also highlighted that the Secretariat would like to engage the Associated Partnership as much as possible, and welcomed any ideas on this, together with further ideas for cross-thematic dialogues and for Conference keynote speakers and session topics.

Some thematics noted that it could be difficult for partners to be present for 1 full week. KL noted that this was the first opportunity for all partners to come together for a physical Jamboree since the first Open Conference in 2015. In addition, it is very timely considering the recent unification of services and the dialogues on the future evolution of EMODnet services to have a strong presence of EMODnet partners both at the Jamboree and the Open Conference.

A brainstorm was conducted on the Open Conference draft title/tagline. Out of the five options circulated in Document 5 before the meeting, the following taglines were suggested:

  • Evolution of European marine data ecosystem for a digital and green future;
  • Powering the European marine data ecosystem for a digital and green future;
  • Powering the European marine data ecosystem.

It was agreed that the Secretariat will take this forward to propose one title that uses elements of these three short-listed titles.

Post-meeting note: The Conference title has been confirmed as “Powering the European marine data ecosystem: for a digital and green future”

Action 5: Update the draft programme for the Jamboree session of the third EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree event following the discussions during the 18th SC (EMODnet Secretariat, 19 June 2023)

  1. Dialogue on wider partnerships
    1. Copernicus Marine Service

KL informed that the EMODnet-Copernicus Marine Service collaborations were ongoing at both coordination and operational levels. After a coordination (management only) meeting in February 2023, a wider coordination meeting involving all EMODnet Coordinators/relevant experts and Copernicus Marine In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre would be planned for Autumn 2023. She noted that the EMODnet – Copernicus Marine collaboration, together with wider EU partnerships would be discussed during the SC open session in the afternoon.

    1. EMODnet for UN Ocean Decade


JBC presented the latest updates with regard to the EMODnet activities for the Ocean Decade (OD). EMODnet was endorsed as a Decade Implementing Partner in March 2023. He stated that this is a recognition of EMODnet’s work, and an opportunity to strengthen EMODnet’s communication and coordination on a global level. He further explained that the EMODnet for Ocean Decade Coordination and Implementation Group (E4OD-CIG) will have its second meeting on 2 June 2023, during which among others a mapping of EMODnet activities will be done against Ocean Decade outcomes and challenges and an identification of opportunities where EMODnet can be involved in or support new OD Actions. He reminded that the group is open for every EMODnet partner who wishes to contribute and be involved. The objective is to have at least one person per thematic and data ingestion involved.

EC DG MARE were asked about the latest status on the EU-Canada collaboration following an international meeting held in Brussels in Autumn 2022. ZK informed that a report is being produced by the EC, and that this would most likely not be widely disseminated.

End of EMODnet Closed Session.

13:30 EMODnet Open/Joint* Session convenes

*This session was open for members of the Technical Working Group (TWG) and EC Marine Knowledge Expert Group (MKEG)

  1. Welcome and Updates


Jan-Bart Calewaert (JBC, outgoing Head of the EMODnet Secretariat) re-welcomed all participants and welcomed the EC MKEG to the afternoon session of the meeting. He highlighted that representatives from different Directorate-Generals (DGs) had also joined online. There was a short tour-de-table.

Rémy Dénos (RD, EC DG MARE) presented an ongoing evaluation of EMODnet for the period 2014-2020 of the last Multi-annual Financial Framework. He indicated that the EMODnet Annual Reports are a useful basis for such evaluations, together with the regular reporting and final reports of the Secretariat, thematics and data ingestion, and previous public consultations and evaluations (2019 and 2020). He further highlighted that all objectives set by the EC at the start of the EMODnet have been achieved, noting these ranged from general policy objectives to specific objectives for the Blue Economy and at an operational level. RD indicated that the Central Portal has added a lot of value for the user and continues to improve the ease of access to harmonised data. Looking to the future, RD added it is important that EMODnet continues aggregating data from more diverse sources and with higher spatial and temporal resolution. RD referred to a questionnaire that had been provided to EMODnet Coordinators to receive input on past achievements of EMODnet and ideas for the future. He noted that meetings were being organised with each of the coordinators to discuss the strategy of EMODnet for the years to come. He concluded by saying that by the end of this year 2023, preparations will start for the next Multi-annual Financial framework (2028 – 2034).

  1. Centralisation overview: high-level updates


Conor Delaney (CD, Technical Coordinator EMODnet Secretariat) presented high-level updates on the EMODnet centralisation. He recognised all the proactive efforts by EMODnet Coordinators, TWG and colleagues that led to the successful centralisation of all thematics in January 2023. He reiterated that the new EMODnet Central Portal is the unification of all thematic data portals resulting in fully centralised services with one web map viewer to search the full offer of cross-thematic EMODnet data and data products, underpinned by one central metadata catalogue, having harvested the catalogues from the thematic groups. He noted this has resulted in an even more operational service, providing consistent, reliable information on in situ marine data and data products.

CD further highlighted the benefits of having one unified map viewer and the work that was done on improving the web service documentation on the EMODnet Portal and GitHUB. CD shared some observations of the Central Portal Technical Team (CP Tech Team) with regard to the publishing of data and data products by the EMODnet thematics via Open web services, noting that it was vital that thematics update the CP team immediately of any updates made locally, to avoid issues across the entire service. CD concluded by explaining that more improvements are to come, in the framework of the EDITO-Infra data lake where EMODnet is working side-by-side with the Copernicus Marine Service.

ZK mentioned that there is increasing interest and discussion about data security and that EMODnet needs to prepare for this discussion. CD clarified that EMODnet services are developed in the framework of the EU INSPIRE Directive and EU Open Data Policy and that all EMODnet data products are fully open and freely accessible since they are owned by the EC.

A short dialogue was held about EMODnet’s involvement in the Digital Twin Ocean and the concept of the data lakes. ZK emphasised that for the data lakes we need to build upon existing knowledge and resources of EMODnet in the field of marine science. CD confirmed that the EDITO-Infra data lake that EMODnet is involved in developing with Copernicus Marine Service will build upon EMODnet and Copernicus Marine existing infrastructure, offering the user an even broader range of data.

  1. Updates from EMODnet seven Thematics & Data Ingestion

All seven EMODnet thematics presented on their thematic workplan, latest updates in service development, and ongoing partnerships.

    1. EMODnet Physics


Antonio Novellino (AN, ETT) presented EMODnet Physics. He referred to user feedback that EMODnet Physics has received since EMODnet centralisation, noting that in general, feedback from users has been positive.

AN noted that some users have flagged difficulties with the map viewer, more specifically the ‘Layers’ and ‘Catalogue’ tabs, filters and legends. CD indicated that a FAQ page was recently published on the EMODnet Central Portal and this addresses these concerns, offering further guidance on use of the CP functionalities.

It was noted that technical updates and discussions including a status update of the technical tickets on JIRA and an update on the progress monitoring indicators remained important, and were more relevant to discuss at Technical Working Group (TWG) meetings.

    1. EMODnet Geology


Henry Vallius (HV, GTK) presented EMODnet Geology via recorded video message, noting that the current workplan ends in September 2023. All Deliverables were on track and that a large addition of new and updated data was expected with the upcoming addition of a Caribbean Sea substrate map. He noted a new use case for EMODnet Geology from the Renewable Energy sector. Referring to ongoing data gaps, HV noted that a task was ongoing to assess opportunities to add more seabed erosion data, noting that data types are currently very heterogeneous. He added that geo-political issues continue to affect data access in some areas including the Caspian Sea.

    1. EMODnet Chemistry


Alessandra Giorgetti (AG, OGS) presented the updates from EMODnet Chemistry, noting that the current workplan runs until 2 October 2023. There has been a steady increase in the number of CDI datasets made available by the Chemistry thematic, and new maps were published for eutrophication and contaminants.

It was noted that numerous opportunities exist for expansion and collaboration regarding specific Essential Ocean Variables (EOV), such as ocean acidification, although this was not always easy to implement due to existing workplan priorities and resources, and the number and diversity of EOVs. ZK added that we need to capitalise on the work that has already been done for EOVs and build further on this work.

It was clarified that EMODnet Chemistry collects data from Member States through the EMODnet Chemistry nodes. The data are harmonised, and then passed on to Technical Groups (TG) (e.g. TG on marine litter, TG on contaminants) for evaluation, made available via EMODnet and used by EU Member States in the context of National Assessments for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). It was noted that EMODnet’s marine data offer, and examples of specific data use e.g., marine litter for MSFD could be made clearer to European Member States, leading to more uptake and use in the future. Further discussion on this was held in the afternoon Open Session.

    1. EMODnet Seabed Habitats


Helen Woods (HW, JNCC) presented Seabed Habitats, noting the progress made and priority actions for the coming months until the end of the EMODnet Seabed Habitats contract on 24 September 2023.

A member of the EC Marine Knowledge Expert Group (MKEG) asked what the general geographic ambitions are of EMODnet Seabed Habitats. It was noted that the main geographical focus of EMODnet is the European Union and neighbouring regions, among which the Caspian Sea. There is also interest from the European Commission in outermost regions, such as the Caribbean Sea, with data inclusion from other worldwide dependent on separate funding via other related projects e.g., China (cfr. EMOD-PACE projects).

EC representatives also noted that EMODnet Seabed Habitats and other relevant thematics e.g., Biology could also consider what EMODnet could offer to assist EU Member States in their marine biological/biodiversity data and information requirements to respond to emerging policies e.g., Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ).

    1. EMODnet Biology


Joana Beja (JB, Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)) explained that EMODnet Biology finished their contract on 19 April 2023. The new contract was signed and started on 10 May 2023 for 24 months. She explained that the EMODnet Biology workplan includes the publishing of historical data which is both resource and time consuming. She noted that the Biology consortium is implementing ways to automate the process where possible, but human intervention is still necessary. JB provided an update on data and geographic coverage, noting that data are still missing for a number of Biology sub-themes and European regions. She explained one of the priority actions for the next six months is to focus on finding solutions for genomics data and working together with existing infrastructures and projects to find the best solutions for making genomics data available in EU data services underpinning the future Digital Twin Ocean (DTO).

    1. EMODnet Human Activities


Alessandro Pititto (AP, Cogea) presented the updates from EMODnet Human Activities. The contract had been renewed in March 2023 for another 24 months. AP added that the priority actions were to continue getting access to National Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) datasets, making them available in geospatial layers in EMODnet, expanding fisheries data and exploring the use of satellite images for the improvement of aquaculture farms.

EC DG MARE indicated that there is an increasing interest in sharing fisheries data with EMODnet and an increasing interest in providing information on management measures for Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in a fisheries management context. AB noted that considerable efforts had been made by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and DG ENV in developing management measures for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and it would be important to have dialogue with these entities for further evolution of EMODnet services.

    1. EMODnet Bathymetry


Thierry Schmitt (TS, SHOM) presented updates from EMODnet Bathymetry, explaining that EMODnet Bathymetry started their new contract on 20 December 2022. The end of their previous contract (19 December 2022) resulted in the submission of a number of deliverables, among others the satellite derived coastlines for Europe and Caribbean Sea, an increase in the number of high-resolution Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) for selected areas and the launch of the EMODnet DTM 2022. TS further presented the future outlook of the new contract.

    1. EMODnet Data Ingestion


Dick Schaap (DS, Maris) presented updates from EMODnet Data Ingestion, explaining the number of dataset submissions and associated Phase I and II publications had increased. He highlighted the close collaboration with the Eurofleets+ project. DS further explained the work that Data Ingestion is doing on coastal and offshore licensing data, noting that further guidelines for the private sector on data sharing opportunities could be useful. He also added that EMODnet Data Ingestion was in dialogue with MARE and CINEA regarding optimising data ingestion from Mission Ocean projects and more could be done on this to ensure new data are collected in a manner that optimises their ingestion into EMODnet, and that projects contact EMODnet in the early stages of the project, not only towards the end of the project’s lifetime.

    1. General Discussion on EMODnet thematics and data ingestion

It was noted that stakeholder feedback on all thematics was welcome and was an ongoing process, with a user feedback form already running in EUSurvey ( since March 2022, launched by the EMODnet Secretariat, for which promotion is being made via the monthly EMODnet newsletter and in the carousel on the CP homepage.

It was indicated that thematics should continue to notify the CP Tech Team of feedback from users on CP functionalities and features that EMODnet services continue to evolve, noting that as many functionalities of the different thematic portals would be brought into the CP, and this was ongoing following the launch of the unified services. It was proposed to have more frequent technical updates (either verbally or written), apart from the two TWG meetings per year.

  1. EMODnet Use Cases

An updated Use Case template was produced by the EMODnet Secretariat in Spring 2023 to reflect the evolving and expanding nature of EMODnet users. Related to this, the main change in the template was to the EMODnet user categories.

This agenda item was not discussed during the meeting, due to time constraints.

Action 8: Update and share the updated EMODnet Use Case template with Coordinators (EMODnet Secretariat, 30 June 2023)

Post-meeting note: In a meeting between EC DG MARE and EMODnet Secretariat it was agreed that going forward, the four Use case categories will be termed ‘Use case sectors’ and will include 1. Government/Public Administration (formerly Policy); 2. Business/private (formerly business); 3. Academia/Research (formerly Research) and with the addition of 4. Society (civil society, citizens, other). The updated use case template will be shared with the EMODnet Coordinators and the EMODnet Central Portal use case searchable database will be updated with the new stakeholder sectors as soon as possible.

  1. EMODnet Events

AK briefly presented key highlights from the Open Sea Lab 3.0 event. She indicated that the winning teams had been invited to pitch and present their solutions at the European Maritime Day 2023 in Brest, France, with team representatives attending the event in Brest. Following this, a written report and video report from the event were both foreseen and would be published at the end of June 2023.

  1. European Ocean Observing: Update on EC Ocean Observation initiative (EC DG MARE) & EMODnet activities and contribution to wider fora


This agenda item was not discussed during the meeting, due to time constraints. A presentation by the EMODnet Secretariat on European Ocean Observation related activities was shared with the SC (attached here for information).

  1. EMODnet and EU Marine Directives


  1. Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)

Kate Larkin (KL, incoming Head, EMODnet Secretariat) presented on the current contribution of EMODnet to the MSFD, noting that this was very mature in some thematics, highlighting Chemistry as a clear example where a collaboration with the EC Joint Research Centre (JRC) and Technical Group on marine litter had resulted in EMODnet substantially contributing to the EU marine litter database. It was noted that EMODnet partners are involved in the new European Environment Agency (EEA) European Thematic Centre on Biodiversity and Ecosystems. In this context, the question had been raised about the existing flow of MSFD data into EMODnet and how EMODnet’s role in supporting MSFD could evolve into the future.

AB recognised the good work done by EMODnet to support the availability and usability of marine data for certain MSFD descriptors, most notably marine litter. She noted that this could be extended to other Descriptors including eutrophication and contaminants, although these would be more complex due to the long history of data collection for these themes and parameters.

EC noted that internal discussion between DG MARE, ENV and EEA was first needed on the role of EMODnet in MSFD going forward.

Action 6: Discuss with DG MARE on EMODnet’s role in MSFD data flow, after internal EC discussion between MARE, ENV and EEA (EMODnet Secretariat, 31 October 2023)

    1. Marine Spatial Planning (EMODnet Secretariat, ALL)

This agenda item was not discussed during the meeting due to time constraints. A PPT was shared with the SC (attached above). It was agreed that further dialogue on this was needed between EMODnet experts and EC DG MARE.

Action 7: Arrange a meeting between EMODnet Human Activities, SHOM, Secretariat and EC DG MARE to discuss EMODnet’s evolving role in MSP data (EMODnet Secretariat, Human Activities and SHOM, 7 July 2023)

  1. EMODnet Partnerships



This agenda item was not discussed during the meeting due to time-constraints. A PPT was shared with the SC (attached above).

  • EU
    • Copernicus Marine Service (EMODnet Secretariat & ALL)
    • JPI Oceans Knowledge Hub on Sea Level Rise (EMODnet Secretariat, ALL)
    • EU Green Deal Data Space and Digital Twin Ocean (EMODnet Central Portal, Secretariat, DG MARE)
  • Global
    • EMOD-PACE (EU-China)
    • Ocean Decade Data Coordination Group and the Decade’s Ocean Data and Information Strategy
    • EMODnet contribution to activities
  1. Next SC meeting

The 19th SC meeting will take place on 1 December 2023 as a half day (morning) Closed SC meeting directly after the EMODnet Open Conference 2023. A half day online 19th SC Open session may be organised before/after this, to complete SC matters and to update the EC MKEG, as required.

  1. Concluding remarks

There were no other items raised and Jan-Bart Calewaert closed the meeting and thanked all participants.

Annex I: List of participants

Table 2. List of participants

EMODnet thematic portal/entity




Thierry Schmitt

SHOM, France


Joana Beja

VLIZ, Belgium


Alessandra Giorgetti (online)

OGS, Italy


Henry Vallius (online)

GTK, Finland

Human Activities

Alessandro Pititto

COGEA, Italy


Antonio Novellino

ETT, Italy

Patrick Gorringe

SMHI, Sweden

Seabed Habitats

Helen Woods


Data Ingestion

Dick Schaap

MARIS, The Netherlands

Central Portal

Joana Beja

VLIZ, Belgium

Bart Vanhoorne

VLIZ, Belgium

Frederic Leclercq

VLIZ, Belgium

EMODnet Secretariat

Jan-Bart Calewaert

EMODnet Secretariat

Kate Larkin

EMODnet Secretariat

Conor Delaney

EMODnet Secretariat

Tim Collart (online)

EMODnet Secretariat

Nathalie Tonné

EMODnet Secretariat

Angelika Karampourouni

EMODnet Secretariat

Megan Tijssens

EMODnet Secretariat


Zoi Konstantinou


Rémy Dénos



Tim Lemmens (online)


Richard Gilmore (online)



Juan Carlos Fernández Gomez


Fabrice Pourceau



Alice Belin (online)


Table 3. EC Marine Knowledge Expert Group (present in the open session in the afternoon of 23 May 2023)



Toste Tanhua (online)


Gerben de Boer (online)

Van Oord

Liliana Russo

University of Romania, University of Lisbon