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Maritime Forum

Community Managers Group

This community is meant for sharing information and good practices between community managers. Please feel free to participate.   Log in

After some internal consultation, we have decided that we will stick to 2 content types in the Maritime Forum.  The most recent events and articles are automatically listed on the homepage and in theme and community pages.
Please note that to create an article, you have to use Page as content type.

The banners have been a bit challenging for all of us.  The ideal format for inserting a picture as banner is "Large (3:1)".

Maritime Forum Newsletter

The Maritime Forum newsletter is released in spring and autumn.

Do not hesitate to promote the newsletter and invite your community members to subscribe in Newsroom:

To contribute for your community, make sure you have access to Newsroom. Do not forget to associate your article to the "Maritime Forum Newsletter - Template" and do respect the given deadline to be part of the release.

Previous issues can be consulted in the Newsroom Archives or by clicking on the issue date underneath:

    Maritime Forum Event Maker

    This new functionality will make it possible for our Maritime Forum communities to set up and organise an event (virtual, hybrid...) for their community.

    The Event Maker is presented to you under the form of an event organised on 5 June, at 10.30.  Click here to read more...

    A basic package for an event up to 100 people and 1 hour support is foreseen in this framework.  Additional requests such as having more participants, more support, ... is at the expense of the organising community and has to be arranged independently with the provider.

    All events on the platform will be organised in the following way:

    • The community announces their event on the Maritime Forum
    • After receiving a dedicated space in the Maritime Forum Event Maker, the community can add all necessary information and insert the invitation link for registration on the Maritime Forum website.
    • Participants must register for the event.
    • Each participant will have access to the event space and can complete the created profile with useful information and showcase needs or expectations for better matchmaking.
    • Participants have their own agenda at their disposal where they complete their schedule for the event and the list of their meetings.
    • Results or outcome of the event will be published after the event on the Maritime Forum website. The event space will then be closed, and content deleted.

    Maritime Forum Documentation

    General publications17 October 2023
    Create an article
    General publications7 September 2023
    Create an event
    General publications7 September 2023
    Insert an Atlas map
    General publications6 October 2023
    Move content from one group to another
    General publications6 October 2023
    Setting up a redirect
    General publications19 April 2024
    Contribute to newsletter