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Articles (21)

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Draft report on deep sea mining

This is a draft copy. The final version is hereThis report gives an overview on the current and latest state of knowledge of deep-sea mining, with a focus on the potential from a geological perspective, the relevant technologies, the economic viability, environmental implications, the legal regime...

Blue growth study - marine biotechnology

Currently the European Biotechnology industry has an estimated annual revenue of € 15 billion while the Blue Biotechnology sector`s higher-end revenue generation is estimated to be around € 754 million. An estimated annual compound growth rate of Blue Biotechnology of 6-8% in 5 years could lead to...

Study to investigate state of knowledge of Deep Sea Mining: interim report

This interim report provides an overview of the progress of the study till end of March 2014, with a main focus on three tasks that are most advanced, i.e. - Task 1 technology analysis - Task 3 legal analysis - Task 6 environmental analysis For the tasks referred to above, a detailed presentation of...

Commission receives proposal for study on deep-sea mining

The Commission's Communication on Blue Growth indicated that the Commission would assesshow European industry can become competitive in extracting minerals from the seafloor and how best to ensure that this activity does not prevent future generations from benefiting from hitherto untouched...

Marine Research Infrastructures Experts Group - Final report

The final report of the Expert Group on Marine Research Infrastructure is availableThere is value in a coordinated development and utilisation of MRIs at European or regional seas' levels. Sea-related challenges and processes do not stop at maritime borders; they require a concerted approach at the...

The Channel Arc Manche / L'Arc Manche

[img_assist|nid=2227|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=71]The Arc Manche is a geographical area made up of the British and French territories bordering or within the English Channel.Being one of the busiest maritime thoroughfares in the world, the English Channel has strong...

CNPMEM - Pêcheurs et acteurs de la récupération de déchets flottants

[img_assist|nid=2056|title=CNPMEM|desc=|link=none|align=center|width=640|height=480]NOTE D’INFORMATIONPêcheurs et acteurs de la récupération de déchets flottantsDans le cadre d’un programme expérimental international, la pêche professionnelle française est sollicitée pour contribuer à la collecte de...