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Archived articles (115)
RSSEU4Algae is advancing algae research and innovation in Europe by creating a centralised database and detailed factsheets. These tools distil key findings and outputs from EU-funded algae-related projects to drive collaboration and sustainable growth.
In response to the EC call for tenders EASME/EMFF/2018/015, the work done in the FishGenome service contract enabled the evaluation of the potential of three High Throughput Sequencing genetic tools: Close Kin Mark Recapture, epigenetic Age Determination, and environmental DNA. Contractors...
- Theme
- Fisheries
Mali is a landlocked country. But the river banks of the immense Niger, which crosses it, includes a large part of its population and its economic activity. In the regions of Ségou and Mopti, the river and its branches have been exploited for centuries by traditional nomadic fisheries, which follow.
- Theme
- Blue Economy and Fisheries
- Blue Invest Africa
Tiwani Spirulina started growing spirulina in 2014. Since then, the Kenyan company’s cultivation ponds are spread over one hectare, between the palm trees of Tiwi Kwale, 25 km south of Mombasa. The climate and the quality of the environment are ideal. Another advantage of this place is that southern
- Theme
- Blue Economy and Fisheries
- Blue Invest Africa
2019 was a life-changing year for the six fishermen of the Yéyé Offshore Fishers Cooperative Society Ltd. Based in Port-Louis, the capital of Mauritius, they took part in a government grant programme intended to promote the development of fishing cooperatives from the island. The programme is...
- Theme
- Blue Economy and Fisheries
- Blue Invest Africa
Global Maritime Youth:turningthe gaze of young South Africans to the seaSouth African CaptainLondyNgcobo is passionate. Her actions in favour of women and the youth have earned the Global Ship Navigator the nicknameBlack Mermaid,And now, she gives other young people the opportunity to launch their..
- Theme
- Blue Invest Africa
A partir de agora, os visitantes podem navegar no Atlas nas 24 línguas oficiais da União Europeia, bem como explorar uma vasta gama de tópicos marinhos populares, como turismo, lixo, ambiente, energia, aquicultura e muito mais!O Atlas conta com mais de 285 layers de informação e a possibilidade de..
- Theme
- Atlas Teachers' Corner
The European Commission and the European External Action Service hosted around 350 global stakeholders at an online forum to discuss ocean challenges and define action-oriented proposals towards global ocean sustainability objectives — the EU International Ocean Governance (IOG) Forum 2020: Setting.
- Theme
- Governance
- Ocean Governance Forum
Workshops were held online in June and July 2020 with the aim of bringing together small groups of experts to discuss solutions and opportunities addressing key International Ocean Governance (IOG) challenges. The workshops built on the discussion papers and three webinars on the thematic working...
- Theme
- Governance
- Ocean Governance Forum
- Thematic Working Groups
What’s next for the future of our ocean? Consultation on international ocean governanceThe European Commission and the European External Action Service have launched a targeted consultation to assess development needs and options for the International Ocean Governance Agenda (JOIN(2016) 49), the EU.
- Theme
- Governance
- Ocean Governance Forum
- Thematic Working Groups
This Thematic Working Group (TWG) Strengthening international ocean research, data and knowledge focuses on how the EU can provide leadership to further advance the role of science in international ocean governance particularly within the framework of the upcoming UN Decade of Ocean Science for...
- Theme
- Governance
- Ocean Governance Forum
- Thematic Working Groups
The Thematic Working Group (TWG) Reducing pressure on the ocean and seas and creating the conditions for a sustainable blue economy will focus on how the international ocean governance framework is put in practice for tackling key challenges to ensure the ocean is clean, healthy and productive. For.
- Theme
- Governance
- Ocean Governance Forum
- Thematic Working Groups
The Thematic Working Group (TWG) Improving the international ocean governance framework focuses on key opportunities and points of action in which the EU can play a leading role to strengthen international ocean governance. It will address issues such as: gaps in the international ocean governance..
- Theme
- Governance
- Ocean Governance Forum
- Thematic Working Groups
Blue Invest in the Mediterranean 2019 Malta, 24 January 2019BlueInvest turns to Mediterranean to kick-start growth in ocean economyRead an article about what happened in Malta on January 24, 2019See photos from the eventAgenda08:45 – 09:10Registration & Welcome Coffee09:10 – 09:15OpeningSpyros...
- Theme
- Blue Economy and Fisheries
- Mediterranean IMP WG
provide feedbackEVALUATION ROADMAPRoadmaps aim to inform citizens and stakeholders about the Commission's work to allow them to provide feedback and to participate effectively in future consultation activities. Citizens and stakeholders are in particular invited to provide views on the Commission's.
- Theme
- Fisheries
- Investments
The recent explosion in high technology products at low cost, designed primarily for the consumer market, including satellite positioning, large data storage capacities and cellular network communication, has now opened up new possibilities for monitoring small scale fisheriess without creating a...
- Theme
- Enforcement and control
- Knowledge and data
- Small-scale fisheries
Update!After a thorough evaluation presses the winner of this competitive tender was selected. On 10 October, a contact was signed with Kantor Management Consultants in consortium with Application Européenne de Technologies et de Services (AETS) and subcontracts Stratégies Mer et Littoral and...
- Theme
- Black Sea
- Fisheries
- Non-living resources
- Tourism
- Governance
- Research
- Environment and Climate
- International Partners
Monday, October 13th, Plymouth, UK: Marine experts in the UK and France are calling for international coordination of management efforts in order to protect the Channel’s marine ecosystem. In their new publication, Pathways for effective governance of the English Channel, partners from the cross...
- Theme
- Channel Arc-Manche
- France
- United Kingdom
- Governance
- Maritime Spatial Planning
- Environment and Climate
- Fisheries
- Research
PEGASEAS is an INTERREG IVA France (Channel) - England capitalisation project aiming to promote the efficient governance of the Channel ecosystem. PEGASEAS seeks to identify common governance outcomes, outputs and lessons learnt from a suite of INTERREG IVA Channel Area Projects relevant to the...
- Theme
- Channel Arc-Manche
- France
- United Kingdom
- Governance
- Maritime Spatial Planning
- Blue Energy
- Environment and Climate
- Fisheries
- Marine transport
Dear all,The 6th Meeting of the Working Group on Integrated Maritime Policy in the Mediterranean took place in Brussels on 30-31 October 2013.Please find enclosed the final versions of following documents:Meeting Report Meeting Conclusions The presentations given during the meeting are available at.
- Theme
- Mediterranean
- EU
- Mediterranean IMP WG