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Maritime Forum

19th EMODnet (Autumn 2023) Steering Committee Meeting - Agenda

Mature agenda containing all topics for discussion during the 19th EMODnet Steering Committee Meeting, taking place on 1 December 2023.

Date and time: 1 December (09:00-11:45) (all times in Central European Time, CET)

Location:  NH Hotel, Brussels. Creative Room 1 (1st floor)

Meeting Chair: Jan-Bart Calewaert (Senior Advisor to EMODnet and Chair of the EMODnet Steering Committee)

Type of meeting: In-person (online link available upon request)


Meeting agenda

Friday 1 December 2023, 09h00-11h45 CET Closed Session

09:00 EMODnet Closed Session* convenes

*SC only

  1. 09:00-09:20
    Welcome and Opening remarks (Chair, EMODnet Secretariat and DG MARE) - 20'
  • Practical arrangements (EMODnet Secretariat)
  • Introduction to the meeting agenda, agenda adoption and outline of key expected outcomes (Chair, EMODnet Secretariat)
  • EMODnet in the marine data landscape communication (DG MARE, ALL)
  • Update from DG DEFIS
  1. 09:20-09:30
    Operational updates (EMODnet Secretariat, ALL) – 10’
    • List and status of actions from previous meeting (Spring 2023, 18th SC) (Secretariat, ALL)
    • EMODnet use cases (Secretariat, ALL)
  2. 09:30-09:55
    EMODnet Open Conference and Jamboree follow-up actions (EMODnet Secretariat, ALL) – 25’
  3. 09:55-10:05
    Updates from 14th Technical Working Group (TWG) (EMODnet Secretariat, Central Portal Team) - 10'
  4. 10:05-10:20
    EMODnet: Data provision and data ingestion (EMODnet Secretariat, DG MARE) – 15’
    • EMODnet data providers (Secretariat, Coordinators)
    • EMODnet webinar for Mission Ocean and Horizon Europe, 28 February 2024 (Secretariat, Data Ingestion, ALL)
  5. 10:20-10:35
    EMODnet Associated Partnership: Overview of dialogues in 2023, feedback on engagement (Secretariat, ALL) - 15’

10:35-10:45 COMFORT BREAK 10’

  1. 10:45-11:30 – 45’
    Dialogue on wider partnerships
  • EU and Regional
    • Copernicus Marine Service (Secretariat, DG MARE, DG Defis, ALL)
    • EU Digital Twin Ocean (Central Portal, Secretariat, ALL)
    • European Ocean Observing (DG MARE, ALL)
    • EMODnet for EU policy e.g., MSFD, MSP (DG MARE, DG ENV, ALL)
    • Regional Sea Conventions (Secretariat, Coordinators, ALL)
  • Global
    • EMODnet for UN Ocean Decade Conference 2024 (Secretariat, ALL)
    • EMODnet as a Decade Implementing Partner; EMODnet for the Ocean Decade Coordination and Implementation Group: Operational update (EMODnet Secretariat)
  1. 11:30-11:40: External events (ALL)
  2. 11:40-11:45: Next SC (ALL)

11:45 EMODnet Closed Session closes


Read the meeting minutes.