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14th EMODnet (Autumn 2023) Technical Working Group Meeting - Meeting Minutes & Presentations

This article summarises the main discussions of the 14th Technical Working Group which took place as a remote meeting in October 2023.

Virtual meeting on EMODnet Webex

Date: Wednesday 18th October 2023 (09:00-17:30), all times in Central European Summer Time, CEST.

Meeting Chair: Zoi Konstantinou (EC, DG MARE), Conor Delaney (Technical Coordinator, EMODnet Secretariat).

List of Participants: See Annex I

Actions list – To be tracked in JIRA








Conor to send link to the dashboard to check if coordinators can view it + provide feedback on finding the filters for their thematic.


Bart Vanhoorne

Done during meeting



EMODnet thematics to activate the polar projection in the WMS service for this to work (see list of projections in slide show)


EMODnet Thematics




VLIZ to remove the Stamen terrain background layer from the MapViewer configuration.






VLIZ to follow up with EMODnet bathymetry on the GeoFabrik layer


EMODnet Bathymetry




EMODnet Physics to look into this if viewer proxy can be whitelisted






Physics to share this information on collecting data from ERDDAP logs with the CP_Team.


Marco Alba




CP_TEAM to add tracking of ‘Clicks’ to the improvement list for 2024.






Secretariat to create a technical newsletter for TWG and others. To be published on regular basis and to be available online.


Conor Delaney




Secretariat to reach out to Dick Schaap to understand how DIP plan to do the implementation of the download links in the metadata this can feed into the best practices document they plan to produce


Tim Collart




Geology to create a Jira ticket to explain what should change in the CP GeoNetwork harvester and to confirm the other endpoint has the same information.


Uffe Larsen




Geology to communicate the issues about styling of data attributes in JIRA


Uffe Larsen

Ticket closed, 10/11/2023



Geology to create a Jira on where geotechnical data can be stored ticket on this and add Dick Schaap as a watcher on it.


Uffe Larsen




Human Activities to create a Jira ticket on implementing these extra filters to avoid hitting the 50 records cap.


Nick Earwaker




Human Activities to create a Jira ticket on how they want the filter to be implemented


Nick Earwaker




EMODnet Physics to document in a JIRA ticket their requirements on interactions they want tracked in the viewer (map layer loading, getfeature interation, filters? )


Antonio Novellino




EMODnet Physics to create JIRA to request Antarctic projection to be added to the viewer.


Antonio Novellino




CP-Team to send an email with the new features of each release and the planned development


Conor Delaney




SBH to create a Jira ticket on how to update the tools and guidelines section of the website.


Helen Woods




SBH to create a Jira ticket on how to update the data products summary page.


Helen Woods




CP_TEAM to Investigate the metadata harvesting issues flagged by Ingestion. Ingestion to create a ticket on this.


Sissy Iona




TWG members to submit topics for discussion in this session.






Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 18 October 2023 – 09:15 - 17:30 (Remote)

09:15 EMODnet TWG convenes

Welcome & introduction (Zoi Konstantinou (DGMARE) & Conor Delaney (EMODnet))

Zoi Konstantinou (DG MARE) thanks everyone for joining the meeting. She mentions that it will be a short meeting and there are a couple of things in the meeting that she thinks are important. She comments that the technical development of the centralization has been beneficial for EMODnet. but we still need to work on some aspects regarding communication.

09:30 – 11:00 Update and progress since previous TWG (Secretariat, VLIZ)

  1. Action list from 13th TWG

Conor Delaney (EMODnet Secretariat) ran through the previous (13th) TWG meeting Action List. There were no further comments on the actions.








JIRA Service desk stores personal data, need to select a cloud in the EU space, for GDPR compliance when JIRA moves to the Cloud.

To be done

CP Team




Conor Delaney (EMODnet Secretariat) to review number of users in JIRA






Bart Vanhoorne and Conor Delaney to review modules in place and whether some can be removed/disabled.

To be done

CP Team




Biology to contact each of the lots, to gather which portals want to publish an R Package in the -Universe.

To be done





Secretariat to add Bathymetry WMTS details to the documentation on github.






Bathymetry to add specific technical issues and proposed improvements in JIRA ticket.



Updates to MapViewer resolved some issues



Physics to create JIRA tickers on bugs discovered.

Not done





Portals to check the issues listed and verify if any of these could also be applied to their data layers.

Not done

All thematics




If there are additional improvements that need to happen, to create a JIRA ticket describing the issue.

Some lots did this

All thematics




Bart Vanhoorne (VLIZ) to send link of ECAS Drupal module to Dick Schaap (EMODnet Data Ingestion).






Secretariat to circulate a document with a proposal for how to best implement the metadata fields (distribution and constraints)

To be done


This will be done by the next TWG



Lots to review their time enabled layer in the viewer and communicate to the Central Portal team on how the labels need to be formatted in MetaGIS.


All thematics

Resolved in specific tickets



Thematics to send the email they want to have access to the CP Drupal CMS.


All thematics




VLIZ will also make a written guidance document on how to publish reports.






In the quarterly assessment, the secretariat should indicate when a part of portal’s products is offered through ERDDAP, as this may explain a decrease in downloads.






CP team to investigate how to extract the statistics from ERDDAP.


CP Team




If possible, thematics to provide a helpdesk email and inform the secretariat, so that they can configure it in JIRA and use it for the helpdesk.


All thematics




2. JIRA overview and usage (Tim Collart, EMODnet Secretariat)

General publications4 December 2023
TWG14_JIRA overview and usage


  • 836 tickets total 85% resolved, 92 since last TWG
  • 47% on the Central Portal, with even spread over the other Thematic groups
  • Secretariat has created a dashboard to get a quick overview of the state if JIRA tickets. Thematics can now use this dashboard to find the tickets related to their thematic. There is also a filter created to show the open tickets.

Action 1: Conor to send link to the dashboard to check if coordinators can view it and provide feedback on finding the filters for their thematic. 


3. OGC service monitoring Update and INSPIRE compliance and updates (Tim Collart, EMODnet Secretariat)

General publications4 December 2023
TWG14_OGC service monitoring


  • Report on CSW services:
    • Biology not resolving
    • A new service added for Physics
  • Metadata URLs:
    • Biology not resolving
  • INSPIRE quality of service:
    • performant 90% of the time
    • Overall, most lots meet the requirements, the few that don't are working on fixing this.
  • ncWMS doesn't support adding getCapabilityXML. Physics working on changing this behaviour, working on a solution, but there isn't an implementation at this point.


Updates from Central Portal technical team on Centralization progress.

  1. Updates to the map viewer and portal since the last TWG (Joana Bega, VLIZ)
General publications4 December 2023
TWG14_Map Viewer Updates
  • MapViewer release v3.2.6:
    • Animation was triggering server overload in physics: Now pre-loading only 20 images.
    • Polar projection is ready to be pushed to the map viewer. 

Action 2: Thematics to activate the polar projection in the WMS service for this to work (see list of projections in slide show)

  • Map viewer v 3.2.7 in test
    • Added Europa Analytics tracking of map viewer.

Comment from Marco Alba (EMODnet Physics): The Stamen terrain background layer will no longer be available.

Action 3: VLIZ to remove the Stamen terrain background layer from the MapViewer configuration.

Marco Alba (EMODnet Physics): also asks to get the link to the developer viewer to test their layers. Frederic Leclercq (EMODNet_CP) indicates that there is an issue with the config file for the filter. Frederic Leclercq (EMODnet_CP) will follow-up with them on that.

  • Question on the formats that are offered to the user as some of them are not useful. If the Thematics want to further restrict the available formats they need to inform the CP_TEAM.
  • Question from Alessandra Giorgetti (EMODnet Chemistry) on giving users the option to modify the styling of the layers the current way OceanBrowser implements this is not standard WMS. The CP_Team can only use OGC standard, once Chemistry complies with the standard, this matter can be further pursued and the implementation can be assessed in the CP viewer.


  1. Bug lists, what problems remain? (Bart Vanhoorne)
  • GeoFabrik layer:

Action 4: VLIZ to follow up with EMODnet Bathymetry on the GeoFabrik layer

  • Order of dimensions in ERDDAP download (high priority): Likely already fixed
  • Popup form for platforms contain links to old physics domain we still need to track this
  • Physics: Traffic blocked of exceeded requests from one IP.

Action 5:  EMODnet Physics to look into this if viewer proxy can be whitelisted


3. Future map/geo viewer development. We want to have a community of open-source developers (from the lots) working together on a single goal/portal. (Bart Vanhoorne, VLIZ)

  • Bart Vanhoorne (EMODnet CP/EMODnet Biology) presents the current workflow for developments in the viewer, where feature requests are going to Bilbomatica for implementation, testing and review by the CP team.
  • Desired future state:
    • To have the lots do the MapViewer development and testing of new features with minor support from Bilbomatica.
    • To have the lots change the layer implementation/updates via metaGIS content management system that VLIZ uses.

Comments from Marco Alba (EMODnet Physics): Marco thanks us for these proposals and hopes it can be done, so they can contribute to making the viewer a success.

Comments from Dick Schaap (EMODnet Bathymetry/Chemistry): He also supports this.

Comments from Uffe Larsen (EMODnet Geology): He is also in favour of this proposal.

No objections from the thematic lots regarding this proposal.


4. EMODnet Ingestion centralisation (Joana Beja (VLIZ)/Conor Delaney EMODnet Secretariat))

General publications4 December 2023
TWG14_Central Portal Plan Ingestion


  • Joana Bega (EMODnet CP) presents the current ingestion submission form, which uses Marine_ID, but this cannot be used on the domain where only ECAS is allowed. So, the login procedure will change, but the rest of the process will stay the same
  • Ingestion catalogue: We can't have two catalogues on EMODnet website (Europa domain). We will harvest the Ingestion Catalogue into the EMODnet CP catalogue:
    • This will need development on the side of the Data Ingestion team
    • We will also need to check duplicate records, but this may only be applicable to Biology
  • The Sensor Web Enablement demonstrator needs to be integrated in the CP viewer. This will be developed by EMODnet Physics itself.
  • Deadline for centralization of Data Ingestion is March 2024


​​​​​​​5. Meta review process – (Tim Collart, EMODnet Secretariat)

General publications4 December 2023
TWG14_Metadata Review
  • Goal to improve metadata standardisation so users can find the same information, across all records, in the same way.
  • The CP catalogue is being harvested by other catalogues, e.g GEOSS, Ocean Info Hub. Future harvest from EU Data catalogue and INSPIRE portal:
    • This leads to improved interoperability with various platforms that follow INSPIRE standards.
    • We also need to do this for constraint information, we need to be less ambiguous about data sharing and constraints.
    • Standardisation is not on content but how on the various meta data information is being formatted. 

Comment from Sissy Iona (EMODnet Data Ingestion): Data Ingestion should also be included in this work, not just the thematics.

Comment from Tim Collart (EMODNet Secretariat): Excellent point, Data Ingestion records will also be available via the EMODnet catalogue so indeed they also need to be considered.

Comment from Alessandra Giorgetti (EMODnet Chemistry): requested clarification on the distribution format slide, output formats available from each lot

Comment from Antonio Novellino (EMODnet Physics) requested that clear guidelines are created and shared because the thematic lots sometimes have multiple metadata providers and we should be able to tell them what to do, i.e., how to format the information so that it becomes standard across the lots

Comment from Dick Schaap (EMODnet Bathymetry/Chemistry): raised the point that GeoNetwork is not declaring the vocabularies used in the metadata records. This is something that should be looked at and implemented so that we improve the ‘FAIRness’ of the records.

Comment from Conor Delaney (EMODnet Secretariat): This work is scheduled for 2024.


​​​​​​​6. MEDIN and EMODnet Data levels – update on action (Conor Delaney EMODnet Secretariat)

[See page 3 of the Products Portfolio PDF on]

Plan to add EMODnet product level definitions in MEDIN, as part of a controlled vocabulary. This was proposed by Dan Lear (EMODnet Biology/MEDIN) and Graeme Duncan (EMODnet Seabed Habitats) in the spring TWG meeting in April 2023:

  • Update from Graeme Duncan (EMODnet Seabed Habitats) (not in the meeting): MEDIN Standards Working Group are happy with the arrangement and will move towards getting the list implemented in the NERC Vocabulary servers providing the draft list to the secretariat for review before upload. The main discussion within MEDIN is now how best to present the options to users within the discovery metadata records for example as its own field, to make it prominent, or as a general keyword on the metadata record

11:20-13:00 Update and progress since previous TWG (Secretariat, VLIZ)

  1. Move to Drupal 10 & Move to ECAS login (Bart Vanhoorne (VLIZ))
  • 3 simultaneous developments
    • Drupal 10: Developing an automated way to move the relevant content to Drupal 10. The aim is the start of 2024
    • ECAS integration: The Login system to the Drupal 10 CMS as required by the EC. This will be reusable for the Ingestion Login of the submission form. Aim for start of 2024
    • Ingestion centralization process. Aim at spring 2024
  • In addition, development on the viewer, but the workload there is currently a bit lower so we can focus on the 3 tasks above. There is however the continuous task of keeping layers up to date in metaGIS.
  • Future: re-integrate specific functionalities of the viewer per lot. These specific developments can be implemented by the Lots themselves once we open-source the code.

Comments from Dick Schaap (EMODnet Bathymetry/Chemistry) for Carlos Cerezo (EC): will EOSC also use the ECAS as an authentication system (make ECAS part of the federate AAI)? Bart Vanhoorne (VLIZ) believes it is possible to couple with another authentication system, but that won't be done in the EMODnet Portal.  Carlos Cerezo (EC) is currently not aware about this system or any plans and asks if it is worth it to federate these systems. Dick Schaap (EMODnet Bathymetry/Chemistry) indicates that this is desirable from a user experience and is pushed by DG CONNECT (federation network).

Question from Carlos Cerezo (EC): Will the staging/dev environment also be upgraded to Drupal 10?

  • Reply from Bart Vanhoorne (VLIZ) Yes. However, there is no EC requirement to also have ECAS integrated there so we can use Drupal login).


​​​​​​​2. Audit from DG Comm: Web Accessibility and data protection actions – Conor Delaney (EMODnet Secretariat)

No action for thematic lots. Conor Delaney (EMODnet Secretariat) shared information about a report received by DG COMM that required work by the Secretariat and CP team:

  • Most reported "issues" have been fixed, but there is also an understanding that some of the items were due to the software not being able to see the current implementation, for those items, no changes have been made.

Comments from Carlos Cerezo (EC): he asked if they were errors or warnings?

  • Reply from Conor Delaney (EMODnet Secretariat) Most of them were warnings, 2 critical errors and these were fixed.

Joana Bega (EMODnet Biology/EMODnet CP) indicates that when the thematic lots have access to Drupal and start adding content on the Drupal, that we don't add images on 3rd party domains and make sure we add ID's.

Carlos Cerezo (EC) asked who the editors for the content of the pages will be.

  • Bart Vanhoorne (EMODnet Biology/EMODnet CP) replied that the thematic lots will be the editors, but the Secretariat will check before content is published.

Question from Alessandra Giorgetti (EMODnet Chemistry): She would like to receive some guidelines on what to do and what not to do on the Drupal.

​​​​​​​3. Presentation on the collection of metrics for reporting (Nathalie Tonné/Conor Delaney)

General publications4 December 2023
TWG14_Progress Monitoring

Nathalie presents the collection of progress reporting metrics.

  • Statistics on thematic lots on data and products usage should be collected via their own servers.
  • User information statistics are collected by Europa Analytics and sent to the thematics by the Secretariat.
  • Ingestion should continue to use the Grafana Dashboard until centralisation is complete.
  • Request to not use Europa Analytics API, all information is available via the dashboard.

Carlos Cerezo (EC) explained why thematics should not use the Europa Analytics API. EU team is quite small and doesn't have a lot of resources.

Uffe Larsen (EMODnet Geology) asked whether the lots had to track the usage for the WMS services. 

  • Tim Collart (EMODnet Secretariat) replied that products are being served by the thematic lots webservices, so tracking needs to be done on the thematic lot side.
  • Joana Beja (EMODnet Biology/EMODnet CP) further added that only products hosted in the EMODnet Portal webservices (ERDDAP/GeoServer) will have the statistics collected by the CP. This currently only applies to selected products from Physics, Chemistry and Bathymetry, however there are currently no systems in place to collect this information.

Alessandra Giorgetti (EMODnet Chemistry) requested that the stats on volume of data used (GB) is deprecated. Conor and Tim clarified that this is a Commission requirement, but they will raise it and discuss whether it can be reviewed.

Alessandra Giorgetti (EMODnet Chemistry): Having also the statistics from the products that the CP is hosting would give the correct picture. Collecting metrics from EMODnet ERDDAP server is ongoing but it is not easy. Question to TWG if there are people that have experience.

  • Joana Beja (EMODnet Biology/EMODnet CP) clarified that the CP team doesn't have resource to work on this alone and that Physics has done some work towards this, but it's not an easy development. A request was also made to all lots to share any ideas/experience with the CP team so we can move forward with this

Helen Lillis (EMODnet Seabed Habitats) asked whether thematic lots still need to track the downloads from their backend servers:

  • Nathalie Tonné (EMODnet Secretariat) replied that yes this will always be an important KPI as in the CP front-end we can only capture the clicks coming through this interface, while people may use the services from other interfaces (GEOSS, QGIS, etc.).

Antonio Novellino (EMODnet Physics) requested to collect data on how many people are interacting with the map viewer:

  • Tim Collart (EMODnet Secretariat) presents a proposal for this and whether information can be collected on the GB downloaded via ERDDAP. This can be done via APACHE logs; Physics has an implementation and will share this with the CP team.

ACTION 6: Physics to share this information on collecting data from ERDDAP logs with the CP_Team.

Joana Beja (EMODnet Biology/EMODnet CP) clarified that EA data collection on the map viewer is implemented in the last viewer version, which is in testing phase:

  • Bart Vanhoorne (EMODnet Biology/EMODnet CP) clarified that this is not yet split by lot, but only provides an overall number, some work will be required to have the usage for each lot's layers

Tim Collart (EMODnet Secretariat) showed that the default EA implementation is to track the file format downloads. The problem is that it's not tracking all the products, investigations have been done and the proposal is that on the different viewer buttons (e.g., download button on the info box, but also the download and sub-setting button) to track this so we can get a better overview for all products and functionalities. Proposed to also add custom parameters (dimensions) in EA so we can have an information for each thematic, which product and functionalities was used to download information.

ACTION 7: CP_TEAM to add tracking of ‘Clicks’ to the improvement list for 2024.

​​​​​​​4. Update on protocols for updating the CP - Conor Delaney (EMODnet Secretariat)

General publications4 December 2023
TWG14_Protocol Uploading Documents
  • Secretariat will give access to Drupal for all thematic lots (one user per lot) so they can publish technical reports/deliverables
  • Static content updating and publication of the quarterly, interim and final reports will continue to be done by the Secretariat until further notice
  • Lots should only update two types of documents
  • Guidance provided on how the document title should be created, with the thematic/Ingestion is included in the name
  • Presentation is available in the Maritime forum 

Comment from Helen Woods (EMODnet Seabed Habitats): She indicated that the guidelines were clear and easy to follow.

Joana Beja (EMODnet Biology/EMODnet CP) indicates that you have to put the publication date of when it was published in the original thematic portal (i.e., 2020 reports published in 2020) and not leave this information blank (it will take the day you uploaded it which will make the filters confusing). 

Dick Schaap (EMODnet Bathymetry/Chemistry) asks if they need to wait for CMS access to upload reports.

  • Joana Beja (EMODnet Biology/EMODnet CP) clarified that this is unrelated with the Drupal upgrade and overall CMS access (to update static content). It's a specific module, so this work can be done as soon as all thematics are provided access to it.

13:00-14:00 LUNCH BREAK

Afternoon session 14:00-17:00

Technical Updates from EMODnet Thematics & Data Ingestion

Bathymetry: Presented by Thierry Schmitt (EMODnet Bathymetry)

  • Products released:
    • DTM 2022 released in January 2023.
      • 1/16 degree resolution (~115 m2).
      • updated the Source Reference and Quality Index.
    • 2022 release of satellite derived coastlines of Europe and Caribbean.
    • 2022 update of national baselines and official coastlines.
    • High resolution DTM expanded from 245 > 264.
  • Datasets gathered:
    • Common Data Index (CDI) increased from 30560 to 41315 indexes.
    • Composite Digital Terrain Models (DTM) increased from 207 to 274
    • There are now 61 data providers.
  • Stats
    • 100k downloads of bathymetry products
    • 12k users
    • millions of OGC requests
  • Wishlist for the viewer
    • Adding bathymetry formats to ERDDAP (GeoTiff, ESRI ASCII). 
    • Improve get Feature Dialogue for source reference layers (make distinction between CDI and Composite DRM's).
    • Improve Get Feature dialogue for survey dataset layer.
    • Improve dept information from map click (depth stats and source reference).
    • Direct Links from Product Records to CP MAP Viewer Folders.

Comment from Central Portal Technical Team: In the viewer you can now download ESRI ascii. You can also download GeoTiff but it is only a colour image (RGB band) and not the actual depth information.

Comment from Central Portal Technical Team: To customise the Get Feature info rendered in the viewer, portals can craft the HTML response in their GeoServer (using GeoServer templating feature: which can then be rendered in the viewer (once configured in Meta-GIS content management system).

ACTION 8: Secretariat to create a technical newsletter for TWG and others? To be published on regular basis and to be available online.

​​​​​​​Biology: Presented by Joana Beja (EMODnet Biology)

General publications4 December 2023
TWG14_EMODnet Biology
  • Phase V started on the 10th of May 2023  
  • They have submitted several deliverables (see slides)
  • Organised an internal workshop with WP3 & 4
  • Updated the connectivity map with a number of new partners (PANGAEA and INRAE) and other initiatives (Copernicus, OBIS, etc.)
  • Data Management:
    • They further expanded the datasets (1280 > 1301) mostly from consortium partners and ad-hoc submissions (EMODnet ingestion and other organisations).
    • They republished the European relevant OBIS SeaMap and OBIS Caribbean dataset.
  • Data Products:
    • In contact with Blue Corridors to host their product.
    • In contact with HELCOM EG BIRDMOVE group to host their products.
    • Partner products ongoing, expected end of 2024.
  • Outreach and uptake:
    • Ongoing survey about data and products and stakeholder needs
  • Technical infrastructure:
    • Working towards publication of genomics data (genetic data). Getting best practices from GBIF and OBIS
    • Working on synchronizing EMODnet Biology and CP Catalogues. They are running into some issues on harvesting the IMIS OAI-PMH (holding the metadata for datasets integrated into Biology) into the CP GeoNetwork, but there are some issues to be investigated
    • Working on expanding advanced filter for Biology in the CP viewer
    • Geoserver and IPT has been brought up to date
  • Biology use cases ware within the 10 most visited in the CP for the last quarter
  • They show a list of events they joined/participated in

Chemistry: Presented by Dick Schaap (EMODnet Chemistry)

General publications4 December 2023
TWG14_EMODnet Chemistry
  • New products are almost ready
    • Contaminants maps will need to be updated in the viewer to show the newest one
    • New products will be provided in webODV. They want to add a couple of maps from webODV in the viewer
      • When you click the map, you will get access to the sextant entries and a link back to the webODV viewer to encourage people to access them

Comment from Joana Beja (EMODnet Biology/EMODnet CP): Joana asked about the timeline for including these in the viewer. Dick Schaap (EMODnet Chemistry) indicated they would like to have it by the end of the November.

Comment from Joana Beja (EMODnet Biology/EMODnet CP): indicates that they already have many of the v2023 layers in ERDDAP, but we still need the WMS links. Amandine Thomas (EMODnet Chemistry/Ifremer) will be in touch regarding this. We will try to automate this by reading the WMS and mapping it to Meta-GIS. It is required that we have the WMS link (Dick indicates that likely it is OceanBrowser) and that each layer has a metadata URL so we can read the mapping from the WMS layers to the metadata records in sextant (Amandine Thomas (EMODnet Chemistry) is working on this).

  • Remaining wish list for Map Viewer
    • GetFeatureInfo for CDI dataset layer (discussed earlier)
    • Supporting dynamics legends in the viewer (discussed earlier).
    • Direct links from product records to CP Map viewer folders (currently not possible to link to a thematic viewer folder, only possible to link to a specific layer(s))
  • Chemistry is working with harmonizing download links in their metadata

ACTION 9: Secretariat to reach out to Dick Schaap (EMODnet Chemistry) to understand how they plan to do the implementation of the download links in the metadata this can feed into the best practices document they plan to produce.

​​​​​​​Geology: Presented by Uffe Larsen (EMODnet Geology)

General publications4 December 2023
TWG14_EMODnet Geology
  • The geology technical infrastructure is explained:
    • Metadata flow is rather complicated. They collect metadata in EGDI which is harvested by GeoServer, which is harvested by Their GeoNetwork which then gets harvested by EMODnet central GeoNetwork.
    • This could be simplified if the Central Portal GeoNetwork directly harvests the CSW of the Geology GeoServer

ACTION 10: Geology to create a Jira ticket to explain what should change int he CP GeoNetwork harvester and to confirm the other endpoint has the same information.

  • New and updated data were added in August and September with several new attributes
    • Minor corrections are continuously made.
    • They have run into several performance issues with GeoServer which they are working on.
    • They show the new layers published.
  • Features they still want to implement
    • The rendering of the attributes is not done in the same style for all layers. The difference is between the layers whose getfeatureInfo are rendered as html (Styled by the geology GeoServer) and the ones that renders the XML. They want the same style for all layers

ACTION 11: Geology to communicate the issues about styling of data attributes in JIRA

Question on how often the cache of the CP is refreshed?

  • Bart Vanhoorne (EMODnet Biology/EMODnet CP) indicates it should be 7 days, but Bart indicated that they still have to investigate this a little bit.

Question on when the mapviewer could be updated by the Thematics themselves. They think there is a too long communication chain to update the layers.

  • At the moment it is a manual process by the CP team but it is fairly complicated so for now it is not yet possible for the thematics to do this.
  • Any changes that occur in the webservices (i.e. WMS/WFS), be it correcting layer names, updating timestamps, attributes, etc need to be manually updated in META-GIS as there is no automated sync.

Question if they can distribute the password to the development viewer to the WP leaders

  • Yes, it can be distributed to other partners

Question on where geotechnical data could be stored.

  • Dick Schaap (EMODnet Bathymetry/Chemistry) responds that in SeaDataNet they could store this kind of geotechnical data in the CDI service (they already have many CDI entries on Geology already). This does require Geology to provide metadata on this.
  • Joana Beja (EMODnet Biology/EMODnet CP) indicates that they could also be offered through the Central Portal. Dick Schaap (EMODnet Bathymetry/Chemistry) does not agree with this approach.
  • Comment from Alessandra Giorgetti (EMODnet Chemistry): They have a network of national data centres to safeguard the long-term keeping of data. So she would recommend putting the data in the SDN CDI system.

ACTION 12: Geology to create a Jira on where geotechnical data can be stored ticket on this and add Dick Schaap as a watcher on it.

Question on showing time series for points along the coast. They are currently stored in a google cloud, and they would like to offer it from that. How can they hand this data over to the new contractor?

​​​​​​​Human Activities: Presented by Nick Earwaker (EMODnet Human Activities)

Ongoing work and challenges:

  • Route/vessel density delivery in netCDF is problematic to serve it through GeoServer as a data source with the custom CRS. Currently they are using a GEOTIFF image mosaic.
  • Investigating how to expose vector attribute as time dimension this causes a performance impact on the GetCatapibilities. Not solved, currently just removed the time dimension, just use the CP viewer filters.
  • Presenting attributes for complex datasets 
    • HTML templating in GeoServer using Freemarker templates
    • Filtering by year/month and year
  • In the viewer GetFeatureInfo default request updated to return 50 records, but it may not yet be enough.  They propose solution to add more filters in the map viewer to not overload users with information

ACTION 13: Human Activities to create a Jira ticket on implementing these extra filters to avoid hitting the 50 records cap.

Question from Nick Earwaker (EMODnet Human Activities): Are the parameters doing an AND or OR operation to combine them?

  • A: currently they are applying an AND operation on the multiple filters, but they may want an OR operation as well

ACTION 14: Human Activities to create a Jira ticket on how they want the filter to be implemented

​​​​​​​Physics: Presented by Antonio Novellino (EMODnet Physics)

General publications4 December 2023
TWG14_EMODnet Physics
  • Final report submitted and accepted. 
  • Published guideline/standard paper on how river data are being published.
  • Updates to static content.
  • Update to html templating to present data.
  • Update in backend design and contents.
  • Annual meeting during the Jamboree.
  • Complete work on data collections.
  • Review in-situ filter specs.
  • Add/update products and clean up the catalogue.
  • Developed new internal workflow to provide CP team with news/newsletters
  • Developed internal KPIs to complement CP indicators.
  • They increased the RAM of the VM running their ERDDAP to avoid performance bottlenecks
  • Map Viewer wishlist
    • Monitoring of the GeoViewer to understand how the system is performing.

ACTION 15: EMODnet Physics to document in a JIRA ticket their requirements on interactions they want tracked in the viewer (map layer loading, getfeature interation, filters? )

    • New in situ filter layout to be implemented.
    • Polar projection would be good
      • It is done for the Arctic.

ACTION 16: EMODnet Physics to create JIRA to request Antarctic projection to be added to the viewer.

  • This is documented in confluence but the thematics don't have access. 

ACTION 17: CP-Team to send an email with the new features of each release and the planned development

  • Physics want to implement buffering for big products.
  • Add data download in the metadata pop-up (from geo layer to data collection).


​​​​​​​Seabed Habitats: Presented by Helen Woods (EMODnet Seabed Habitats)

General publications4 December 2023
TWG14_EMODnet Seabed Habitats
  • Started Phase V, formal kick off is during the Jamboree, led by SYKE
  • They show an overview of the new datasets and the release of the EUSEAMAP 2023 (with Caspian and Caribbean products)
    • These will need to be added to the CP viewer (Ticket is coming)

Question from Joana Beja (EMODnet Biology/EMODnet CP) on the timeline for this? 

    • Technically they are published, Helen will check if they need to be on the viewer according to the deliverable.
    • Some are updates but others may be new.
    • If they keep the same layers name, they may already be in the viewer, but there may be changes required to the description fields etc.
  • They updated the GeoServer to 2.23:
    • This caused a major issue on CQL/SQL layers.
    • Had to identify the impacted layers: up to 900.
    • They scripted a solution to recreate the layers.
  • They are focussing on data cleaning and streamlining their GeoServer to reduce the number of layers and workspaces. They want to go to a single workspace, where they can activate WMS/WFS based on data availability.
  • They added overview layers to capture all the environmental variable data and modelled layers (they had to be culled to not overload the viewer). This is to show users what is available as some users were worried these were no longer accessible.
  • They are working with EMODnet Biology on methods to submit habitat point observation data.
  • They started adding reports to Drupal. They found the guidelines really useful.

Question on how to update the tools and guidelines section?

ACTION 18: SBH to create a Jira ticket on how to update the tools and guidelines section of the website.

Question: Who is responsible for Final report and quarterly report:

    • They should be uploaded after they are accepted by DG MARE

Question on how to update the data products summary page? 

ACTION 19: SBH to create a Jira ticket on how to update the data products summary page.


​​​​​​​Data Ingestion: Presented by Dick Schaap (EMODnet DIP)

General publications4 December 2023
TWG14_EMODnet Ingestion
  • Data submission
    • 736 published as is
    • 630 elaborated submissions (phase 2)
    • >190 data originators
  • New developments
    • coupling with The Crown Estate (TCE) and Marine Data Exchange (MDE) though MEDIN
    • Close collaboration with EuroFleets to try and get the data into European infrastructures.
    • Improving and documented the availability of data as per offshore licenses for renewable energy, aquaculture, and other economic activities.
  • Migration of ingestion to the central portal
    • They have created a mapping from the ingestion catalogue to the CP catalogue which is required for harvesting the catalogues. This is presented by Sissy Iona (EMODnet DIP)
      • Both catalogues are based on the ISO template
      • They checked the XML's from the CP GeoNetwork and compared them with Ingestion Metadata
        • They found difference between different records in CP catalogue.
        • They found difference between CP and Ingestion.
        • They present the results of their mapping (document already shared with the secretariat)
        • They found several fields that are not supported in the Central Portal Catalogue
        • A good way forward could be to harvest the Ingestion records in a development GeoNetwork to see how the fields will be added.
        • The linkages to the Vocabularies would need to be maintained. How can this be implemented in GeoNetwork (e.g., through XML schemas or is JSON-LD possible as well)?

ACTION 20: CP_TEAM to Investigate the metadata harvesting issues flagged by Ingestion. Ingestion to create a ticket on this

      1. Wrap up, actions, next meeting and EMODnet conference.
  • Jamboree Sessions:  Conor presents three demonstrator sessions that are only for the Consortium
    • CP demonstration. To show the features of the viewer.
    • EMODnet and digital twin ocean.
    • EMODnet Technical Dialogue. This is open for topics from the TWG

ACTION 21: TWG members to submit topics for discussion in this session

  • Preparation for the EMODnet Conference. Nathalie Tonne/Conor Delaney (EMODnet Secretariat)
    • Dick Schaap (EMODnet DIP) asked how to coordinate the topics for the thematics (and invited speakers). They are trying to get additional speakers to come in their session
    • Kate Larkin (EMODnet Secretariat) answered that the online programme is the latest one. But next week the Secretariat will also send an email with the latest program.
  • Inputs on EDITO Infra
    • The project is progressing well
    • The team will reach out to the EMODnet thematics regarding data conversion workflows to feed EMODnet data into the EDITO data lake
  • Next Technical Working Group Meeting: format, date, and location (Secretariat & all).
    • Dick Schaap (EMODnet DIP) Indicates to not clash with Oceanology international (12-15 March)
    • Planned for late March.
  • Dick Schaap (EMODnet DIP) proposes to do something together with EMODnet and Blue Cloud?

17:05 TWG Session Closes


Annex I: List of Participants

EMODnet Thematic portal




Dick Schaap

MARIS, The Netherlands

Thierry Schmitt



Ulla Alanen

GTK, Finland

Uffe Larsen

GEUS, Denmark

Seabed Habitats

Emily Tilby


Helen Woods


Karvinen Ville

Syke, Finland


Alessandra Giorgetti

OGS, Italy

Amandine Thomas

Ifremer, France


Joana Beja

VLIZ, Belgium


Marco Alba

ETT, Italy

Antonio Novellino

ETT Italy

Human Activities

Nick Earwaker

Lovell Johns

Data Ingestion

Sissy Iona

HCMR, Greece

Central Portal

Frederic Leclercq

VLIZ, Belgium

Bart Vanhoorne

VLIZ, Belgium

EMODnet Secretariat

Kate Larkin

Seascape Belgium (SSBE)


Matteo Mikos

Seascape Belgium (SSBE)

Conor Delaney

Seascape Belgium (SSBE)

Tim Collart

Seascape Belgium (SSBE)

Nathalie Tonné

Seascape Belgium (SSBE)




Carlos Cerezo


Zoi Konstantinou



Juan-Carlos Fernández Gomez